N° 81 - January 2016 - Public participation in decisions about the environment
Issue editor: Philippe LEDENVIC
To read summaries, click on the article titles
Foreword: Alain RICHARD,
senator from Val-d’Oise, France
Introduction: Philippe LEDENVIC,
chairman of the French Environmental Authority
1 - Regulations and changes over time
Regulations in France since the Bouchardeau Act
Philippe Ledenvic,
chairman of the French Environmental Authority
What the Aarhus Convention and INSPIRE Directive have changed
Bruno Verlon,
former assistant to the CGDD, Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy
The chaotic history of information on the environment in France
Thierry Lavoux,
honorary member of CGDD, Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy; and former head of Études et Synthèses, Institut Francais de l’Environnement
Investigators’ changing role
Brigitte Chalopin,
president of Compagnie Nationale des Commissaires Enquêteurs (CNCE)
2 - The major participants
Public hearings: Democratizing and legitimating decisions
Christian Leyrit,
chairman of the Commission Nationale du Débat Public (CNDP)
The Environmental Authority and public participation in decision-making
Michel Badré,
former chairman of the French Environmental Authority
Toward continuous public participation in the realization of projects
Claude Chardonnet,
president of C&S Conseils
Introductory speech to the nineteenth international conference of the Secrétariat International Francophone pour l'Évaluation Environnementale (SIFÉE)
Yves Prévost,
specialist on the environment at the World Bank
Was the strategic environmental assessment of the installation of a shale gas industry in Quebec genuinely innovative?
Gilles Côté,
director-general of the Secrétariat International Francophone pour l’Évaluation Environnementale (SIFÉE), Montreal (Quebec)
3 - What changes in the future?
Consultation and cooperation: From a democratic demand to a managerial requirement
Bertrand Pancher,
MP and mayor of Bar-le-Duc, president of Décider ensemble
Daring to make democratic innovations for speeding up the environmental transition
Florence Denier-Pasquier,
national secretary of France Nature Environnement (FNE)
A digital revolution for environmental consultation and cooperation
Gilles Berhault,
chairman of Comité 21 and of the Comité d’Orientation du Club France Développement Durable, chief representative of Association Communication et Innovation pour le Développement Durable (ACIDD)
Public participation in decision-making: An inevitable shift
Corinne Lepage,
former minister of the Environment in France
Minutes of the conference “Control, regulation and development”
organized on 7 October 2015 by the Amicale de l’Association des Ingénieurs des Mines (AAIM), and presided by Pierre-Franck Chevet and Philippe Ducrocq