N° 45 - january 2007 - How to live with industrial risks after AZF ?
Issue editor: Patricia blanc
To read summaries, click on the article titles
Editorial: François Valérian,
Rédacteur en chef des Annales des Mines
Introduction : Five years later
Laurent Michel
Directeur de la Prévention des pollutions et des risques,
ministère de l'Ecologie et du Développement durable
Industrial risks
AZF, the lessons learned from an industrial catastrophe
Nicolas Dechy,
Ingénieur, Unité gestion de crise et retour d'expérience
Didier Gaston,
Olivier Salvi
Direction des risques accidentels, Ineris
The performance of indemnities from the victim’s viewpoint: The case of AZF
Anni Borzeix,
Directeur de recherche au CNRS
Laure Amar
Ingénieur d'étude à l'Ecole polytechnique
PREG-CRG, Ecole polytechnique
Industry and urbanization: A plan for coping with unacceptable situations — the example of Mazingarbe
Lionel Joubaud
chef de la Division environnement industriel,
sol, sous-sol, Drire Nord-Pas-de- Calais
Looking back on industry’s experiences
Denis Dumont
ministère de l'Ecologie et du Développement durable,
Current issues about controlling the safety of nuclear reactors
Pierre Charpentier,
Olivier Gupta
Autorité de sûreté nucléaire (ASN)
An agenda for strategic research on industrial safety
Olivier Salvi,
Institut national de l'environnement industriel et des risques (Ineris)
Eric Charikane,
Association Ecrin
Didier Gaston,
Institut national de l'environnement industriel et des risques (Ineris)
Georges Katalagarianakis
Commission européenne, DG RTD Technologies industrielles
Policy responses
The 2003 act on risk prevention: What is going to change from the plant operator’s viewpoint ?
Jean-Marc Jaubert
Joint efforts: A new dimension for local risk management
Myriam Merad
Responsable de l'unité Gestion des risques, Ineris
Did you say “citizen participation and information” ?
Lothaire Zilliox
SPPPI Strasbourg
Before and after the AZF explosion: France Nature Environment’s point of view
Christine Gilloire
Membre du CSIC, Trésorière de FNE du pôle IPS, environnement industriel
Notification: The guarantee of a “statute of limitations” for plant operators
Steve Hercé
Avocat à la Cour, Cabinet Boivin et associés
Controlling industrial risks: Remaining reasonable
Michel Turpin
Ingénieur des Mines en retraite, Ingénieur général
Climatic changes: A look at a complex of menaces
Paul-Henri Bourrelier
Ingénieur général des mines
Against the greenhouse effect: Let vehicle-owners pay for “bioheat” instead!
Henri Prévot
Conseil général des Mines
Climatic change: EU proposals for the years after 2012
Patrick Nollet
Ingénieur conseil en environnement
The wastes market: Growth, concentration and restructuring
Gérard Bertolini
économiste, Directeur de Recherche au CNRS, Université de Lyon
Mining and financial backing: A decision by the Conseil d’État
Yann Aguila
Commissaire du Gouvernement
Natural catastrophes: The virtues and limits of a local approach to a consensus: The example of the Séchilienne landslide
Minutes of the meeting of the Club des Annales des Mines held at the École des Mines in Paris, 13 June 2006
This meeting was headed by Paul-Henri Bourrelier, a member of the French Association for Preventing Natural Catastrophes and chief mining engineer. Participants included: Gilles Strappazon (mayor of Saint-Barthélemy-de-Séchilienne), Philippe Huet (chief engineer in the Service of Water and Forests and a member of the General Inspection of the Environment), Yvette Veyret (professor of geography), Thierry Trouvé (delegate of Major Risks in the Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development) and Philippe Dumas (a member of the General Inspection of Finances).