November 2004 - Central and easter Europe : the challenges of an expanding european union
To read summaries, click on the article titles
Introduction : The challenges to industry of an expanding European Union
Jean-Luc Delpeuch
Ingénieur général des Mines,
Directeur de l'Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Arts et Métiers (Cluny)
Previous “enlargements”: Lessons from the past
Jean-François Drevet
Président du Comité du personnel de Bruxelles
The tools for integrating eastern and central European countries in the EU
The EU’s policy of cohesion: An assessment as the Union grows bigger
Olivier Louis
Chef de la Mission Economique Elargissement
Yann Lepape
Economiste régional Elargissement de l’UE
The Regional Development Fund (FEDER), a tool for making Polish industry competitive
François Bafoil
The impact of foreign direct investments: Opportunities for companies and the position of France
Serge Krebs
Direction des relations économiques extérieures (DREE)
Foreign direct investments, a crucial factor for integrating eastern and central Europan countries in the EU economy
Olivier Louis
Chef de la Mission économique Elargissement
Yann Lepape
Economiste régional Elargissement de l’UE
International franchises, an alternative to foreign direct investments
Karine Picot-Coupey
université de Rennes 2, Haute-Bretagne
Foreign direct investments in Bulgaria: Trends and impact
Vassil Kirov
Institut de Sociologie, Académie des Sciences en Bulgarie
Industrial policies in central and eastern Europe
The revival of the automobile industry in central and eastern Europe
Jean-Joseph Boillot
ancien Conseiller régional pour l’Elargissement
Yann Lepape
Economiste régional Elargissement de l’UE
Infrastructure networks and development in central Europe
Gilles Lepesant
Géographe, Chargé de recherches, CNRS
Adapting human resources
Changing and adapting human resources: A challenge for foreign investors
Rachel Guyet
Institut d'études politiques de Paris
The European Social Fund, a tool for adapting qualifications?
Fabienne Beaumelou
“Management and technology”, a French-speaking curriculum at the University of Lodz
Jan Krysinski
Recteur de l'Université Polytechnique de Lodz, Pologne
The impact of the EU’s expansion on its older members: Dare to think like a leading actor in the 21st century
Jean-Joseph Boillot
ancien Conseiller régional pour l’Elargissement,
auteur de « L' élargissement de l’Europe », un défi économique pour tous
(La Documentation française 2003)
Olivier Louis
Chef de la Mission Economique Elargissement