N° 27 - July 2002
To read summaries, click on the article titles
Editorial: Dominique DRON
Responsable éditoriale de Responsabilité & Environnement
Protecting people at work: Gray areas in preventing industrial risks
Michel Turpin
Vice-président de l'Erap
A first experiment on public hearings for an announced project: A new airport — why? how? and where ?
Pierre Zémor
Conseiller d'Etat, ancien président de la CNDP
Air pollution: The need for and difficulties of a global vision of environment and health
Bernard Festy
Association pour la prévention de la pollution atmosphérique
Hidden dimensions in sustainable development and changes in regions
Philippe Jamet
Professeur à l'Ecole nationale des Ponts et Chaussées
Role-playing, SIG and SMA for “territorial management”… And if actors/decisions-makers were to build their own tools?
Patrick d’Aquino,
Christophe Le Page, François Bousquet ,
Alassane Bah
ESP Sénégal
A tale of two tempests: Cooperating and mobilizing for an emergency in ÉdF-GdF service centers
Jérôme Cihuelo
Public officials: Effectiveness, control and regulation (Proceedings of the Week of 4 May 2001)
Gustave Defrance
André-Claude Lacoste
Ingénieur généraux des Mines