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Réalités Industrielles - Mai 2021- Immigration et insertion professionnelle




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english May 2021 - Immigration and integration in the labor force

Issue Editor: Claude Trink

engineer from the Corps des Mines


Préface :
Brigitte KLINKERT,

minister delegate on Immigration


Introduction :
Claude TRINK

engineer from the Corps des Mines


The viewpoint of the state and local authorities


The employment of refugees: The prospects?

Alain Régnier,
prefect and interministerial delegate in charge of the reception and integration of refugees


Access to the labor market for asylum-seekers and refugees in France: Different rights and piecemeal application

Stella Dupont,
MP from Maine-et-Loire


The integration of refugees in Autun

Vincent Chauvet,
mayor of Autun, member of the French delegation of the European Committee of Regions (CoR)


The integration of immigrants in a village in the Hauts-de-France region

Christian Vannobel,
mayor of Sissonne and representative on the regional council of Hauts-de-France region


The experience of the Grenoble-Alpes Metropo­litan Area with integrating refugees in the labor market

Sonia Rullière,
Direction de l’Insertion et de l’Emploi of Grenoble-Alpes Métropole

The viewpoint of economists


The economic integration of immigrants in OECD countries

Jean-Christophe Dumont,
head of the International Migration Division, Directorate for Employment, Labor and Social Affairs, OECD


Economic immigration in France since 2000

Hippolyte d’Albis,
École d’Économie de Paris, CNRS,
Ekrame Boubtane,
CERDI-CNRS, Clermont Auvergne University

The viewpoint of employers and labor unions


GEIQ, a corporate movement for integration through the improvement of skills and qualifica­tions

Francis Lévy,
Fédération Française des GEIQ


Foreign undocumented workers: What if it were time to apply our constitution and guarantee equality and social cohesion!

Marilyne Poulain,


Labor immigration and immigrant labor

Frédéric Sève,
national secretary of the CFDT

The experiences of associations and stakeholders


The approach and experience of Forum Réfu­giés-Cosi: The Accelair and PRIR programs

Olivier Borius,
director of integration, Forum Réfugiés- Cosi


Kodiko’s approach to integrating refugees

Cécile Pierrat Schiever,
 president and cofounder of Kodiko’s approach and method: Welcode and Refugeeks

Christine Huynh,
project head,


AKTO’s actions for the economic integration of refugees

Jean-Marie Glowacki,
head of the Hope & Sésame programs, AKTO



David Robert,
director, SINGA France


EDNA, an experiment for economically integra­ting new immigrants in France

Thomas Auvin
Delphine Keruzec,
Transfer, Bordeaux


Become employable or realize a plan? New orga­nizations for integrating refugees

Sylvie Chevrier,
Gustave Eiffel University,
Théo Scubla,
cofounder, each One


Young migrants coping with their integration in the world of work

Thierry Le Roy,
President, France Terre d’Asile


Unaccompanied minors: From arrival to a job

Anne Le Cabellec,
Félix Lavaux,
Brigitte Baudriller
Quentin Josnin,
Fondation Apprentis d’Auteuil


Reinventing bonds

Simon Karleskind,
engineer from the Corps des Ponts, Lab’R

Experiences from outside the country


Economic integration under Canadian immigra­tion policy

Louise Van Winkle,
Embassy of Canada in France


The economic integration of labor market dro­pouts in Israel

David Harari,
copresident of Haut Council France-Israël de la Science and de la Technologie


Integrating refugees in the labor market in Ger­many

Maëlle Dubois,
Christiane Fritsche,
Doritt Komitowski
Dr Christian Pfeffer-Hoffmann,


Organizing Labour market integration support for immigrants in Sweden

Andreas Diedrich,
Dept. of Business Administration & Gothenburg Research Institute, School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg, Sweden



Digital creations and patents, toward reconcilia­tion?

Olivier Iteanu,
attorney, Appellate Court of Paris & lecturer at the Paris I & XI universities on digitial law and data




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