N° 95 - July 2019 - What future equilibrium for the supply and demand of energy?
Issue editors: Dominique Auverlot and Richard Lavergne
Foreword : Dr. Fatih Birol,
executive director, International Energy Agency
Introduction: What future equilibrium for the supply and demand of energy in the transition toward a carbon-neutral world?
Dominique Auverlot,
Ministry of Environmental Transition and Solidarity (MTES)
Richard Lavergne
Conseil Général de l’Économie
1 ‒ Final consumption of energy: New uses, new behavior patterns in France and the world
Application by 2050 of the energy transition and carbon neutrality to the demand for energy in France
Laurent Michel,
general director of Energy and Climate, Ministry of Environmental Transition and Solidarity (DGEC/MTES),
Quentin Deslot,
engineer from the Corps des Ponts, des Eaux et des Forêts (DGEC/MTES)
Trends in electricity consumption in France?
Thomas Veyrenc,
director of Stratégie et Prospective, Réseau de Transport d’Électricité (RTE)
Possible trends in the uses of electricity from the perspectives of carbon neutrality in France and of the respect of the Paris Agreement worldwide
Jean-Michel Cayla
Donia Peerhossani,
analysts at the Direction of Strategy, Électricité de France (EdF)
The transformation of electricity systems: Will the consumer be a winner?
Dominique Jamme,
Commission de Régulation de l’Énergie (CRE)
Demand as a lever of decarbonization: Visions, disparities and limits
Nadia Maïzi,
Center of Applied Mathematics, MINES ParisTech, PSL Research University
Major issues: The transformation of transportation and sustainable mobility
Didier Houssin,
Carbon neutrality: Opportunities and risks for French industry
Michel Guilbaud,
general director, MEDEF
Heating and air-conditioning: Issues and opportunities in France, Europe and the world
Thibaut Abergel
Maxine Jordan,
International Energy Agency (IEA)
Balancing the demand for energy and the protection of a capital asset, our forests
Pascal Yvon,
Carbon Forest
2 ‒ What supply of energy for a carbon-neutral environment?
The propescts for energy systems and hydrocarbons in a carbon-neutral world
Claude Mandil,
former executive director of the International Energy Agency (IEA)
Breakthrough technology for energy?
Hervé Bercegol, Sophie Didierjean, Mathieu Étienne, François Kalaydjian, Jean Le Bideau, Fabrice Lemoine, Guy Maisonnier, Gaël Maranzana, Fabrice Patisson and Abdelilah Slaoui,
Alliance ANCRE
The prospects for developing nuclear power in France and the world: Which technology?
Jean-Guy Devezeaux de Lavergne,
director of the Economic Institute, Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives (CEA) & president of the Section Technique Économie, SFEN
The place of nuclear energy in a carbon-neutral world
Dominique Finon,
France needs natural gas to achieve carbon neutrality
Thierry Trouvé,
Gas: An asset or liability in the quest for carbon neutrality?
Jean-Pierre Hauet,
president of the Comité Scientifique d’Équilibre des Énergies
What future demand-supply equilibrium for energy?
Patrick Pouyanné,
Future of Oil in a Low-Carbon World
T.J. Wojnar Jr,
Vice President, Corporate Strategic Planning, Exxon Mobil Corporation
Determinants of trends in energy production from the perspective of sustainability
Marc Jedliczka,
Hespul et négaWatt,
Yves Marignac,
WISE-Paris et négaWatt
Freed from fossil fuels by 2060 thanks to nuclear power
Élisabeth Huffer
Hervé Nifenecker,
the association Sauvons le Climat
The challenges for making Europe carbon-free
Marc-Antoine Eyl-Mazzega,
Energy Center, IFRI
What prospects for energy suppliers in Europe?
Nicolas Goldberg
Sébastien Méraud,
Colombus Consulting
What place for the biomass as a source of energy in a carbon-neutral France?
Claire Tutenuit
David Laurent,
Entreprises pour l’Environnement (EpE)
3 ‒ The long-term equilibrium of supply and demand, or the geopolitics of energy on the road toward carbon neutrality
The geopolitics of energy in 2050
Olivier Appert,
advisor at the Energy Center, IFRI
A carbon-free world – What is Russia’s response?
Tatiana Mitrova,
PhD, Director, Energy Center, SKOLKOVO Business School,
Yuriy Melnikov,
Senior analyst, Energy Centre, Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO
National Oil Companies of the Future
Valérie Marcel,
Chatham House
Strategies and policies for energy transitions: Between cooperation and fragmentation
Jean-Eudes Moncomble,
Conseil Français de l’Énergie
Will China and India remain the world’s workshop on a planet struggling with climate change? A technological and demographic interpretation of energy issues
Joël Ruet,
economist at the CNRS (CEPN Paris 13 & CRG École Polytechnique) and president of the Bridge Tank