N° 75 - July 2014 - Land transportation and economic development
Issue editors: Michel MASSONI and Hervé de TREGLODE,
CGEDD, ministère de l’Écologie, du Développement durable et de l’Énergie
To read summaries, click on the article titles
Foreword: Frédéric CUVILLIER,
Secrétaire d’État auprès de la ministre de l’Écologie, du Développement durable et de l’Énergie chargé des Transports, de la Mer et de la Pêche
Introduction: Michel MASSONI and Hervé de TREGLODE,
CGEDD, ministère de l’Écologie, du Développement durable et de l’Énergie
1 - Strategic aspects
How to better integrate French transportation in European networks?
Matthias Ruete,
director general of DG Mobility and Transport, representing the European Commission
Transportation infrastructures in France tomorrow: The conclusions of Commission Mobilité 21
Philippe Duron,
deputy mayor of Caen, former chairman of Commission Mobilité 21
Rail competition, a national inhibition!
Gilles Savary,
MP from Gironde department
Conservation of the environment: An important dimension in plans for the LGV South Europe Atlantic (SEA)
Christophe Huau,
project SEA at Réseau Ferré de France (RFF),
Thierry Charlemagne
in charge of Environment at LISEA,
Philippe Ravache,
technical director of Projects at COSEA (the group that designed and built the LGV-SEA)
Land transportation’s accessibility and economic development: It’s time to change times!
Yves Crozet,
professor at IEP Lyon, Laboratory of the Economics of Transportation
2 - How will transportation services change?
What expectations do passengers have in France?
Daniel Bursaux,
director general of Infrastructures, Transportation and the Sea, Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy
What cities and forms of mobility for stimulating productivity?
Jean-Pierre Orfeuil,
professor emeritus, University of Paris East and Institute for Cities in Movement, Paris
Commitments for public transportation and sustainable mobility: GART’s manifesto
Roland Ries,
Groupement des Autorités Responsables de Transport (GART)
What prospects for high-speed trains in France?
Jean Sivardière,
president of the Fédération Nationale des Associations d’Usagers des Transports (FNAUT)
Following freight in urban areas: A new pact between statistical surveys and simulation
Florence Toilier,
Alain Bonnafous
Jean-Louis Routhier,
Laboratory of the Economics of Transportation
The stakes: Everday mobility in large urban areas
André Broto,
Vinci Autoroutes
A storm warning for rail freight in France
Denis Choumert,
president of the Association des Utilisateurs de Transports de Fret (AUTF),
Christian Rose,
assistant at AUTF
Are French ports less attractive owing to the lack of rail freight services? Or does this lack result from ports being less attractive?
François Soulet de Brugière,
chairman of the Conseil de Surveillance du Grand Port Maritime de Dunkerque, president of the Union des Ports de France and member of the Conseil Supérieur de la Marine Marchande