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  N° 86 - April 2017 - Fresh water: How to manage a common good?

Issue editor: Pierre ROUSSEL,

engineer from Corps des Ponts, des Eaux et des Forêts, chairman of the Office International de l’Eau

To read summaries, click on the article titles

Introduction : Pierre ROUSSEL,

engineer from Corps des Ponts, des Eaux et des Forêts, chairman of the Office International de l’Eau

1 - Issues related to geosystems


Actions for water within the Climate Agreement

Jean-Luc Redaud,
chairman of the Water and Climate Group at the Partenariat Français pour l’Eau (PFE), member of the Académie de l’Eau


Water, food and the climate: Back to the origin of sustainable development

Guillaume Benoit,
member of the Conseil Général de l’Alimentation, de l’Agriculture et des Espaces Ruraux (CGAAER)


Drinking water: Finally, hope for billions of people!

Gérard Payen,
advisor on the United Nations Secretary General's Advisory Board on Water and Sanitation (UNSGAB) from 2004 to 2015


The underground water supply

Ghislain de Marsily,
professor emeritus at University of Paris VI Pierre et Marie Curie, École des Mines de Paris-Institut Mines-Télécom;
Mustapha Besbes,
professor emeritus of hydrogeology at the National Engineering School in Tunis, University of Tunis El Manar


Hydroelectricity, the marriage of water and energy

Yves Giraud,
director of Hydraulics at Électricité de France (EdF)


The biodiversity of continental aquatic environments in France: An inventory and the menaces

Paul Michelet,
assistant general manager, Agence Française pour la Biodiversité

2 - Political and social issues


Water Supply to Big Cities: Training and Development Initiatives Implemented by South Africa’s Largest Water Board: A Focus on the City of Johannesburg (Gauteng province, South Africa)

Wayida Mohamed, Maußeen Miles, Asief Alli, Poppie Sera and Hendrik Ewerts,
Rand Water, Johannesburg (South Africa)


The water crisis, or perpetual conflict management

Léna Salamé,
international expert on water diplomacy


Hydrodiplomacy for peace in the Middle East

Fadi Georges Comair,
honorary president of the Réseau Méditerranéen des Organismes de Bassins


Water and Climate Change Policy: A Brief History for Future Progress

Maggie White and John H. Matthews,
Alliance for Global Water Adaptation (AGWA),
Karin Lexén and Sofia Widforss,
Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI),
Diego J. Rodriguez,
The World Bank Group


Environmental and health risks stemming from contamination of the water supply

Yves Lévi,
School of Pharmacy, Université Paris Sud, UMR 8079 CNRS, Agro-ParisTech

3 - Institutional and financial responses


Managing catchment basins is necessary everywhere around the world in order to organize the adaptation to climate change

M. Roberto Ramirez de La Parra,
general manager of CONAGUA, world president of the International Network of Basin Organizations (RIOB)


Franco-Chinese cooperation for managing catchment basins in the context of climate change

Chao Lin,
director of the Office of Protection of Water Resources, Commission of Conservation of the Hai River (China);
Gwendal Le Divechen,
head of the China Project at the International Water Office


State management of the risks of flooding

Marc Mortureux,
general manager of risk prevention at the Ministry of the Environment, Energy and the Sea


Preventing the risks of flooding: Protection or adaptation?

Stéphanie Bidault,
director of the Centre Européen de Prévention des Risques d’Inondation (CEPRI)


Water boards in France: a precursor yesterday and today

Bertrand Camus,
president of the Fédération Professionnelle des Entreprises de l’Eau (FP2E)


Fresh water on the planet: How to manage a common good? Europe’s actions

Michel Dantin,


The World Water Council: A global challenge for a local resource

Sophie Auconie,
board of governors of the World Water Council, copresident of Cercle Français de l’Eau


The International Water Association (IWA), an organization of professionals in the water supply and treatment of wastewater

Diane d’Arras,
president of the International Water Association (IWA)


The French Water Partnership: The voice of French players on water problems at the international level

Jean Launay,
president of Partenariat Français pour l’Eau



Deep-sea mineral resources: Major environmental stakes

Denez L’Hostis,
president of France Nature Environnement (FNE)


The price of coal and competitiveness

Fabrice Dambrine,
engineer from the Corps des Mines, member of the Conseil d’État, chairman of Innovation, Competition and Modernization at the Conseil Général de l’Économie;
François Valérian,
engineer from the Corps des Mines, editor-in-chief of Annales des Mines, associate professor of finance at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers





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