N° 33 - January 2004
To read summaries, click on the article titles
Editorial: Dominique DRON
Responsable éditoriale de Responsabilité & Environnement
Dividing the emission of carbon dioxide by four in France
Pierre Radanne
Mission interministérielle de l'effet de serre
Energy efficiency in the 20-year strategies of big French firms Richard Armand
Sustainable development, hope or fraud ? An operational diagnosis of the French case Christian Garnier
Studies of the impact on health, a tool for managing environment-related health risks
William Dab
Directeur général de la santé
Thierry Michelon et Isabelle Nicoulet
Direction générale de la santé
California’s water market, a model for the world or a peculiarity of the arid American West ? Part II: Marketing or saving water ? Bernard Barraqué