N° 130 - December 2017
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Increasing the innovative capabilities of medium-sized companies: the case of Matfer Bourgeat
Tony Da Motta Cerveira,
director of innovation at Matfer Bourgeat,
Christophe Midler,
research director, CNRS, Centre de Recherche en Gestion, École polytechnique
The process of constructing a project for producing electricity from wind power in Haute
Saintonge and its social unacceptability
Béatrice Canel-Depitre,
NIMEC, Le Havre University
Between noise and silence, engineering a dialog about work: Maintenance projects in a high-risk industry
Mathieu Detchessahar, Stéphanie Gentil, Anouk Grevin and Benoît Journé,
Nantes University (IAE ‒ LEMNA, Laboratoire d’Économie et de Management de Nantes)
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A study on the hidden virtues of being late: A sociological view of the strategic use of time pressures in organizations
When for-profit and non-profit organizations try to cooperate: The hard quest to find common objectives
Emmanuelle Dutertre,
adjunct professor at ESSCA, École de Management;
Bernard Jullien,
associate professor at Bordeaux University and scientific advisor of the chair on distribution and automobile services at ESSCA, École de Management
Firms: The loyalty of employees and their freedom of speech on the social media
Brigitte Pereira,
Laboratoire Métis, EM Normandie
Supplely regulating nuclear risks: The origins of a French exception (1960-1985)
Michaël Mangeon,
Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (IRSN) and Mines ParisTech, PSL Research University, Centre de Gestion Scientifique, i3 UMR CNRS;
Frédérique Pallez,
Mines ParisTech, PSL Research University, Centre de Gestion Scientifique, i3 UMR CNRS
Supplely regulating nuclear risks: A testimony
Pierre Messulam,
assistant general manager, Transilien-SNCF
Guillaume Chappuis, Haute École de Gestion Arc (Neuchâtel), HES-SO: The ethics of consent: Ricoeur in management territory: On Pierre-Olivier Monteil’s, Éthique et philosophie du management (Toulouse: Éditions Érès, 2016)
Damien Collard and Rachel Boichot, Franche-Comté University: Psychosocial risks in organizations and workplace health: On Yves Clot’s, Travail et pouvoir d’agir (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 2017)
Yasmine Saleh, PhD in managerial science, Observatoire de l’Innovation Managériale, Cercle de l’Innovation (Fondation Paris-Dauphine): Four roads to discovering management’s cultural dimension: On Pierre Dupriez and Blandine Vanderlinden’s (eds.), Au coeur de la dimension culturelle du management (Paris: L’Harmattan, 2017)
Jacques Sarrazin, Lindsay Goldberg: What should big groups do to survive start-ups in general and “unicorns” in particular? On Jean-Louis Beffa’s, Se transformer ou mourir. Les grands groupes face aux start-ups (Paris: Seuil, 2017)
Jérôme Tubiana, director, Danone Group: The jubilee of the sociology of organizations: The special, 50th-anniversary issue of the journal Entreprise et Histoire (Entreprises et Histoire, 84, september 2016, Éditions Eska)