August 2004 - Energy in France and the world
To read summaries, click on the article titles
AVANT-PROPOS : La politique energetique française en débat de nouveaux textes "refondateurs"
par Dominique Maillard
Directeur général de l'Énergie et des Matières premières
Proposals for an energy policy turned toward 2050
Bernard Bigot
The security of the western European supply of electricity in 2004
André Merlin
Advances in controlled thermonuclear fusion in Europe
Robert Aymar
Promoting replenishable energy sources in new, competitive electricity markets
Dominique Finon and Philippe Ménanteau
Automakers using hydrogen
Pierre Beuzit
The duties of public service in relation to cogeneration and renewable energy sources
Patricia de Suzzoni
Facts and figures in 2003
Coordinated by Richard Lavergne and Louis Meuric, Observatoire de l’Energie