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Environnement : Face à la longue urgence
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Responsabilité et Environnement -  N° 107 - Juillet 2022 - Environnement : Face à la longue urgence


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N° 107 - July 2022 - Environment: Facing the long emergency

Issue Editors:
Dominique DRON et Patricia CORRÈZE-LÉNÉE

Introduction :

The long environmental emergency: a new state for mankind

Dominique Dron,
General Council of the Economy,
Patricia Corrèze-Lénée,
General Council for the Environment and Sustainable Development

The battle of the confrontations in the long emergency


Confronting the limits: the battles of the long emergency

Alice Canabate,
Sociologist, PhD from the Universitý Paris Descartes, researcher at the LCSP of the University of Paris


Mixed forest or accelerated forest, two visions of forest management in the face of climate change...

Pascal Yvon,
President of Carbon Forest,
Franck Jacobée,
Manager of the SARL Sylvgest


The limits of a technical approach to confrontation: an analysis of geoengineering

Ilarion Pavel,
Chief Engineer of Mines ‒ General Council of the Economy


The imaginations of the French in relation to the different visions of the long emergency

Philippe Moati,
Professor of Economics at the Université Paris Cité


Resilience: a technology of consent?

Thierry Ribault,
CLERSE (Centre lillois d’études et de recherches sociologiques et économiques), CNRS-University of Lille

Metaphysics and imaginaries of the long emergency as aids to thinking about the present and the future


End of the world speeches in history

Pierre Couveinhes,
Honorary Engineer General of Mines


Religious visions of ecology

François Euvé,
Editor in chief of the journal Études


It won’t be a bang, but a long moan” Brief reflections on a slow-motion disaster

Jean-Pierre Dupuy,
Philosopher, Professor Emeritus at the École Polytechnique and Professor at Stanford University, California


Hollywood and the bioclimatic crisis: from Green Sun to Dune

Jean-Michel Valantin,
Doctor in strategic studies and head of the ‟Environment and security” section of the think tank The Red (Team) Analysis Society

The models of society in the visions of the long emergency


The bioregion in Île-de-France: a post-breakup ecological society

Loïs Mallet,
Researcher and Director of the Momentum Institute,
Benoît Thévard,
Consultant, trainer and teacher


Washington, the Pentagon and Climate Change: Political and Military Culture and Strategic Practices

Jean-Michel Valantin,
Doctor in strategic studies and head of the ‟Environment and security” section of the think tank The Red (Team) Analysis Society


Narratives and Responsibilities: Deliberating on the Evidence of Desirable Futures

Bernard Reber,
Director of research at the CNRS, member of the Centre de recherches politiques (Cevipof) at Sciences Po


Judgments and institutions in France and the United States: will there be a law of long urgency tomorrow?

Corinne Lepage,
Lawyer and politician, president of the ecologist party Rassemblement citoyen ‒ Cap 21

The long emergency on the territories today


Some actors of the long emergency

The insurance industry faces the challenge of the ‟long emergency”

Jean-Louis Bancel,
President of the Insurance Factory,
Roland Nussbaum,
Secretary General of the AFPCNT and special advisor on climate risks for France Assureurs


The Red Team Defense: when science fiction allows the French army to explore the future

Marie Roussié,
Research Engineer ‒ Red Team Defense Project,
Cédric Denis-Rémis,
Vice President of PSL University,
Jean-Baptiste Colas,
Defense Innovation Agency


Forest fires and global warming: civil security facing ‟mega-fires”

Lieutenant-Colonel Luc Mahler,
Civil security and crisis management advisor to international sports event organizers


The Netherlands and rising sea levels: what strategy for the long term and how to respond to the various challenges?

Robert Slomp
Yann Friocourt,
Both from Rijkswaterstaat, an agency of the Dutch Ministry in charge of infrastructure and water management


Is there disaster learning for the long emergency?

The time(s) of nuclear disasters

Franck Guarnieri,
Director of Research at Mines Paris – PSL,
Aurélien Portelli,
Lecturer and researcher at Mines Paris ‒ PSL



Adapting cities: Paris to the test of climate change

Celia Blauel,
Deputy Mayor of Paris in charge of the Ecological Transition, Climate and Water (2014-2020), Paris 2030 Prospective, Resilience and the Seine (2020-2021), dreamer and expert of tomorrow’s world





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