
Présentation du numéro d’avril 2022
"Adaptation au changement climatique"




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Responsabilité et Environnement -  N° 106 - Avril - Adaptation au changement climatique


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N° 106 - April 2022 - Adaptation to climate change

Issue Editors : Michel Pascal and Hervé Le Treut


Barbara Pompili,
Minister of Ecology


Hervé Le Treut,
Michel Pascal,
Conseil général de l’économie

Adaptation to climate change: better defining the issues to start the debate

Ronan Dantec,
Senator for Loire-Atlantique and member of the National Council for Ecological Transition (CNTE)

What will be the climate in 2050 and its consequences?


The main findings of the 6th IPCC Group I report

David Salas y Mélia,
Research climatologist at the Centre national de recherches météorologiques (Météo-France and Centre national de la recherche scientifique)


Global Climate Change Impacts: Key Findings of the Latest IPCC Working Group II Report

Éric Brun and Lisa Bostvironnois,


Overview in Europe and France of the present and future effects of climate change

Jérôme Duvernoy,
Head of the Climate Change Adaptation Unit at the Ministry of Ecological Transition


What climate in France in 2050 and 2100?

Virginie Schwarz,
President and CEO of Météo- France,
Jean-Michel Soubeyroux,
Deputy Scientific Director of the Climatology and Climate Services Division of Météo-France

The effects of global warming are already visible


Rethinking water in an era of climate change

Denis Salles,


Climate change in the mountains: impacts, risks and adaptation

Samuel Morin,
University of Toulouse, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Météo-France, CNRS, Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques, Toulouse and Grenoble


Health impacts of climate change already visible: the example of heat waves

Lucie Adélaïde, Olivier Chanel and Mathilde Pascal,
Aix-Marseille School of Economics, Santé publique France


The effects of climate change: what adaptation for coastal territories?

Patrick Bazin,
Director of heritage management at the Conservatoire du littoral


Resilience of electrical systems to climate change

Alain Burtin and Sylvie Parey,


Climate change and its economic consequences

Laurent Montador,
Deputy Director General of the Caisse centrale de réassurance (CCR)

Adapting and Mitigating: An Inclusive Systemic Approach


Mitigation and adaptation: a race against time

Hervé Le Treut,
Professor at the Sorbonne University and at the École Polytechnique


European and French strategies for adaptation to climate change

Jérôme Duvernoy, Marie Carrega and Sarah Voirin,
National Observatory on the Effects of Global Warming


The links between adaptation and mitigation: when adaptation worsens climate change

Vincent Viguié,
Researcher at CIRED (École des Ponts ParisTech)


Adaptation to climate change: first of all, intelligence put into the projects

Morgane Nicol and Vivian Dépoues,
Institute for climate economics (I4CE)


What prospects for water and agriculture by 2050 in the context of climate change?

Hugues Ayphassorho,
member of the General Council for the Environment and Sustainable Development (CGEDD),
Michel Sallenave, f
ormer member of the General Council for Agriculture, Food and Rural Areas (CGAAER),
Nathalie Bertrand,
member of the CGEDD,
François Mitteault,
former member of the CGEDD,
Dominique Rollin,
former member of the CGAAER


Biodiversity and climate: nature-based approaches

Denis Couvet,
President of the FRB (Foundation for Research on Biodiversity),
Hélène Soubelet,
Director of the FRB


Climate extremes: perceptions and social and political issues

Solange Martin,
Sociologist at the Secretariat of the High Council for the Climate


Geopolitics of climate change adaptation: the survival and power of nations

Jean-Michel Valantin,
Think tank The Red (Team) Analysis Society



Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS): a real asset, but necessary trade-offs

Maxime Efoui-Hess,
The Shift Project





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