N° 106 - Avril 2022 - Adaptation au changement climatique
Géopolitique de l’adaptation au changement climatique : la survie et la puissance des nations
Par Jean-Michel VALANTIN
Think tank The Red (Team) Analysis Society
L’adaptation au changement climatique est un enjeu géopolitique, car cette adaptation ‒ ou la mal-adaptation ‒ est en train de devenir le moteur de la distribution internationale de la puissance.
Afin d’étudier la réalité de cette évolution, ainsi que les interdépendances qui en émergent, nous nous proposons dans cet article d’étudier la façon dont la Russie et la Chine entrent dans ce processus.
Cette étude de cas permet aussi de mettre en évidence la dimension militaire de cet enjeu, où la géophysique et la géopolitique se mêlent pour recomposer les modalités de la puissance
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N° 106 - April 2022 - Adaptation to climate change
Geopolitics of climate change adaptation: the survival and power of nations
Jean-Michel Valantin,
Think tank The Red (Team) Analysis Society
Adaptation to climate change is a geopolitical issue, as this adaptation ‒ or maladaptation ‒ is becoming the driving force behind the international distribution of power.
In order to study the reality of this evolution, as well as the interdependencies that are emerging, we propose in this article to study the way Russia and China are entering this process.
This case study also allows us to highlight the military dimension of this issue, where geophysics and geopolitics intermingle to recompose the modalities of power.
fuels ‒ France will have to transform itself. The Shift Project’s Plan for Transforming the French Economy allows us to project France on trajectories that are both consistent in physical terms (energy, materials) and in terms of employment, as well as in terms of the stakes.
Among the technological solutions that can be mobilized, we find carbon capture and storage. This innovation is the most capable of capturing fatal emissions from industry and is a real asset, but its technical, economic and societal limits will force us to use it where it is most efficient. Its identified potential must therefore be mobilized as a priority to decarbonize heavy industry.
Only the combination of the three types of levers available ‒ continuous progress, disruptive technologies and sobriety ‒ will ensure a transformation that meets national decarbonization objectives.
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