N° 74 - April 2014 - Where do “territories” belong?
Issue editor: Marie-Josèphe CARRIEU-COSTA,
Amble - Consultants
To read summaries, click on the article titles
Editorial par Pierre COUVEINHES,
Editor-in-Chief of the Annales des Mines
Foreword: Marie-Josèphe CARRIEU-COSTA,
Amble - Consultants
1 – What is a “territory”?
Regions, geographical units, or territories? Hesitations among French geographers
Robert Marconis,
emeritus professor of geography, Lisst-Cieu,
Centre Interdisciplinaire d’Études Urbaines (UMR 5193), University of Toulouse
To whom do “territories” belong?
Jean-Louis Guigou,
delegate-general of the Institut de Prospective Économique du Monde Méditerranéen (IPEMED)
Minerals and landed property
Alain Liger,
engineer from the École des Mines
In the context of globalization, who owns farmland?
Valéry Elisséeff,
agronomist at ENSA (Rennes) and member of the Société Française d’Économie Rurale
The land and localities, investing in the future
Laure Ménétrier
Cédric Messier,
engineers from the École des Mines
National and planetary heritages: From things to territories
Alain Marinos,
architect and town-planner, Conservateur Général du Patrimoine
Europe, between a profusion of territorial subdivisions and models of territorial organization
Christophe Quéva,
Géographie-Cités (UMR 8504), University of Paris I
2 – Cooperation and conflicts between stakeholders
The territory as a unit of management
Nathalie Raulet-Croset,
PhD. in managerial sciences, associate professor at the Institut d’Administration des Entreprises of the University of Paris I
Debates about the local future: The example of plans for preventing technological risks in the ProvenceAlpes-Côte d’Azur Region
Thibaud Normand,
engineer from the École des Mines, head of the risk prevention service in the Direction Régionale de l’Environnement, de l’Aménagement et du Logement de ProvenceAlpes-Côte d’Azur
The urban/harbor synergy in the revitalization of blighted port zones
Jean-Marc Lacave,
chairman of the board and managing director of Météo-France, former CEO of the Havre Port Authority and the SNCM
Transportation and energy networks: Who is in charge of territorial subdivisions?
Christophe Bouneau,
professor of economic history at the University of Bordeaux Montaigne,
Michel Derdevet,
associate professor at the Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris, professor at College of Europe in Bruges,
Jean-Baptiste Galland,
director of Stratégie, ERDF
Concentrate research and attract the creative? A policy critique grounded on empirical studies
Bastien Bernela and Olivier Bouba-Olga,
who work at the Centre de Recherche sur l’Intégration Économique et Financière, University of Poitiers
The current meaning and relevance of territorial subdivisions: Networks vs. territories?
Anolga Rodionoff,
associate professor of information and communication sciences at the University of Paris VIII
Minutes of the colloquium, “Which public authorities for tomorrow?”, organized by the Amicale de l’Association des Ingénieurs des Mines on 23 May 2013
Gustave Defrance
André-Claude Lacoste,
honorary engineers at the École des Mines