N° 32 - October 2003
To read summaries, click on the article titles
Editorial: Dominique DRON
Responsable éditoriale de Responsabilité & Environnement
The initial allocation of CO2 allowances to firms in the light of an economic analysis Olivier Godard
Oil crises and counter-crises (1960-2060)
Pierre Radanne
Farming and climatic change: How to analyze a scenario for fighting against greenhouse gases ? Xavier Poux and Guillaume Olive
Feedback on floods in southern France (September 2002)
Philippe Huet
Ingénieur général du Gref à l'Inspection générale de l'environnement
Avec le concours de Patrice Foin, Claude Laurain, Xavier Martin, Jean-Louis Prime
Assessing health risks in studies of the impact of classified installations Frédéric Marcel and Éric Vindimian
Frédéric Marcel and Eric Vindimian
Ineris, Direction des risques chroniques