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N° 89 - January 2018 - ZEN 2050: Toward a Europe with Zero emissions (net) by 2050?

Issue editor: Claire TUTENUIT,

Delegate-general of Entreprises pour l’Environnement (EpE)


To read summaries, click on the article titles




ZEN 2050: A collective challenge to take up ‒ France, zero net emissions by 2050
Nicolas HULOT,

Minister of the Environmental Transition and Solidarity


Europe, zero net emissions by 2050

Delegate-general of Entreprises pour l’Environnement (EpE)

Technical possibilities


Berlin, carbon neutrality by 2050

Michael Müller,
Governing Mayor of Berlin


Maximize the efficiency of carbon sinks: The options

Didier Houssin,
president d’IFP Énergies nouvelles (IFPEN)


From the Michelin Bibendum Challenge to Paris Process Mobility and Climate

Patrick Oliva,
former director of Prospective and Sustainable Development at Michelin, cofounder of Paris Process on Mobility and Climate (PPMC);
Cornie Huizenga,
secretary-general of SLoCaT (Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport), cofounder of Paris Process on Mobility and Climate (PPMC);
Claire Bernard,
head of Sustainable Mobility at Michelin


Conducting the transition of the whole agribusiness sector toward carbon neutrality: Long-term trajectories and short-term paths

Sébastien Treyer, Pierre-Marie Aubert, Aleksandar Rankovic and Marie-Hélène Schwoob,
Institut du Développement Durable et des Relations Internationales (IDDRI), Sciences Po, Paris


From the circular to the “permacircular” economy

Dominique Bourg,
philosopher and professor, Faculty of Geosciences and the Environment, Lausanne University

Modalities: The economy and politics


The ambitious French objective of net carbon neutrality by 2050

Jérôme Boutang,
managing director, Centre Interprofessionnel Technique d’Études de la Pollution Atmosphérique (CITEPA);
Mark Tuddenham,
head of Information, CITEPA


Climate and the energy transition

Richard Lavergne,
general engineer from the Corps des Mines, Conseil Général de l’Économie (CGE)


Moving to net-zero emissions, an undeniable business opportunity in Europe and beyond

Maria Mendiluce,
Managing Director & Senior Management Team, WBCSD


The roadmap for removing carbon from the German energy sector

Stéphane Reiche,
 principal engineer from the Corps des Mines, assistant to the head of the Regional Economic Service of the Embassy of France in Berlin;
Laure Joya,
head of Energy and Raw Materials in the Regional Economic Service of the Embassy of France in Berlin


The need to reinforce the “attenuation strategy” for reaching the objective of zero net emissions by 2050

Anne Bringault,
head of the Energy Transition, Réseau Action Climat France;
Lucile Dufour,
head of International Policies and Development, Réseau Action Climat France;
Neil Makaroff,
head of Europe, Réseau Action Climat France


The dialog between firms and consumers, a key to the transition

Jean-Dominique Sénard,
chairman of the board at Michelin, president of Entreprises pour l’Environnement


Setting the price of carbon in order to facilitate the energy transition? Why not! But that does not suffice

Dominique Dron,
general engineer from the Corps des Mines, Conseil Général de l’Économie (CGE)


Workers, a driving force indispensable to the environmental transition

Laurent Berger,
secretary-general of the labor union Confédération Française Démocratique du Travail (CFDT)


Climate & Trade: Can They Be Mutually Beneficial?

Philippe Varin,
president of ICC-France (International Chamber of Commerce),
Claire Tutenuit,
general delegate of Entreprises pour l’Environnement (EpE)



ScénEnvi, an analysis of the major international scenarios for the future of the environment

Christophe Didier, INERIS; Nicolas de Menthière, IRSTEA; Denis Lacroix, IFREMER; Bertrand Schmitt, INRA; Audrey Béthinger, INRA; Louis Laurent, ANSES; Bernard David, CEA; Jacques Parent du Châtelet, Météo-France; Flora Pélegrin, FRB; Pascale Hénaut, IRSTEA; Morgane Le Gall, IFREMER; Marie-Hélène Pépin, Météo-France; and Isabelle Pradaud, INERIS





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