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Réalités Industrielles - Août 2022 - La protection des données dans une économie globalisée




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Août 2022 - La protection des données dans une économie globalisée

A decade and a half of OECD action on data governance policy-making

By Elettra RONCHI
Senior Policy Consultant on Data Governance and Digital Health WHO/Europe; former Head of the Data Governance and Privacy Unit in the Division for Digital Economy Policy at the OECD
Information Economist and Policy Analyst in the Division for Digital Economy Policy at the OECD


he OECD has long recognized the need to better understand how to reconcile the risks and benefits of data access and sharing to help governments reap the benefits of data-driven innovation. To guide policy-making, the OECD has produced over the last decade and a half a significant body of analytical work and legal instruments setting out principles and best practices to address sector-or domain-specific challenges in the governance of data. These Recommendations include: the Recommendation concerning Access to Research Data from Public Funding; the Recommendation for Enhanced Access and More Effective Use of Public Sector Information; and the Recommendation on Health Data Governance. In what appears to be the latest strong demonstration of its commitment to the issue, the OECD Council adopted in 2021, the Recommendation on Enhancing Access to and Sharing of Data (EASD Recommendation). Differently from the preceding ones, the EASD Recommendation provides an overarching set of principles and policy guidance to help governments reconcile potential risks and benefits and unlock the re-use of all types of data across and within sectors, jurisdictions, organisations, and communities. The aim of this paper is to put in context this significant body of work and set out the main policy issues addressed by these OECD Recommendations.

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August 2022 - Data protection in a global economy

A decade and a half of OECD action on data governance policy-making


Elettra Ronchi,
Senior Policy Consultant on Data Governance and Digital Health WHO/Europe; former Head of the Data Governance and Privacy Unit in the Division for Digital Economy Policy at the OECD,
Christian Reimsbach-Kounatze,
Information Economist and Policy Analyst in the Division for Digital Economy Policy at the OECD


The OECD has long recognized the need to better understand how to reconcile the risks and benefits of data access and sharing to help governments reap the benefits of data-driven innovation. To guide policy-making, the OECD has produced over the last decade and a half a significant body of analytical work and legal instruments setting out principles and best practices to address sector-or domain-specific challenges in the governance of data. These Recommendations include: the Recommendation concerning Access to Research Data from Public Funding ; the Recommendation for Enhanced Access and More Effective Use of Public Sector Information ; and the Recommendation on Health Data Governance . In what appears to be the latest strong demonstration of its commitment to the issue, the OECD Council adopted in 2021, the  Recommendation on Enhancing Access to and Sharing of Data (EASD Recommendation). Differently from the preceding ones, the EASD Recommendation provides an overarching set of principles and policy guidance to help governments reconcile potential risks and benefits and unlock the re-use of all types of data across and within sectors, jurisdictions, organisations, and communities. The aim of this paper is to put in context this significant body of work and set out the main policy issues addressed by these OECD Recommendations.


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