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Réalités Industrielles - Août 2022 - La protection des données dans une économie globalisée




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Août 2022 - La protection des données dans une économie globalisée

Aligning access to microbiome data and privacy considerations for better solutions for health and wellbeing of society and environments

By Frederik COPPENS
VIB-UGent, ELIXIR Belgium, Gent Belgium
BioEconomy Research & Advisory, Copenhagen, Denmark
Kathleen D’HONDT
Department Economy, Science and Innovation, Flemish Government, Brussels, Belgium


here is a growing body of evidence that underpins the importance of microbiomes in biology. Understanding the functioning of microbiomes and their interaction with the environments will allow to develop novel interventions to support human, animal, and plant health as well as the environment. The potential that microbiomes can have to prevent the onset of non-communicable diseases is huge. This can only be developed when studying the impact of lifestyle, nutrition and environment in the context of the genetic content. As human microbiomes have been shown to be stable over time and can allow to identify the ‟carrier” of the microbiome, access to microbiome data has been questioned in the light of privacy protection and the General Data Protection Regulation. In this paper we discuss the potential of microbiomes in different areas and how microbiome data may be shared to support the concept of doing good.

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August 2022 - Data protection in a global economy

Aligning access to microbiome data and privacy considerations for better solutions for health and wellbeing of society and environments


Frederik Coppens,
VIB-UGent, ELIXIR Belgium, Gent,Belgium,
Lene Lange,
BioEconomy Research & Advisory, Copenhagen, Denmark,
Kathleen D’Hondt,
Department Economy, Science and Innovation, Flemish Government, Brussels, Belgium


There is a growing body of evidence that underpins the importance of microbiomes in biology. Understanding the functioning of microbiomes and their interaction with the environments will allow to develop novel interventions to support human, animal, and plant health as well as the environment. The potential that microbiomes can have to prevent the onset of non-communicable diseases is huge. This can only be developed when studying the impact of lifestyle, nutrition and environment in the context of the genetic content. As human microbiomes have been shown to be stable over time and can allow to identify the ‘carrier’ of the microbiome, access to microbiome data has been questioned in the light of privacy protection and the General Data Protection Regulation. In this paper we discuss the potential of microbiomes in different areas and how microbiome data may be shared to support the concept of doing good.


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