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Réalités industrielles - mai 2019 - Les nouvgeaux horizons de l'Europe

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Mai 2019 - Les nouveaux horizons de l’Europe spatiale

European Union Space Policy

Deputy Director General at the European Commission Directorate General for the Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SME’s


Europe has achieved many successes in Space, thanks to the fruitful collaboration of Member States, the European Space Agency (ESA), the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) and the European Union. Copernicus and Galileo/ EGNOS the two Union flagships are the result of this synergic cooperation. They are both fully operational and deliver world class services for Earth Observation and Satellite Navigation. Building on these successes, on 26 October 2016, the European Commission adopted the Space Strategy for Europe setting up a common vision and identifying a number of concrete actions to achieve its objectives. This was enriched by an intensive political debate and orientations provided by Council and Parliament. In view of the political changes at the horizon with the forthcoming elec­tions, it is mandatory to ensure that Europe’s successes in Space are ensured. As a result, last June this Commission adopted important proposals that will shape the future of Space in terms of programme components, research and innovation needs and investment ambitions.

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May 2019 - The new horizons of Europe in space

European Union Space Policy


Pierre Delsaux,
Deputy Director General at the European Commission Directorate General for the Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SME’s


Europe has achieved many successes in Space, thanks to the fruitful collaboration of Member States, the European Space Agency (ESA), the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) and the European Union. Copernicus and Galileo/ EGNOS the two Union flagships are the result of this synergic cooperation. They are both fully operational and deliver world class services for Earth Observation and Satellite Navigation. Building on these successes, on 26 October 2016, the European Commission adopted the Space Strategy for Europe setting up a common vision and identifying a number of concrete actions to achieve its objectives. This was enriched by an intensive political debate and orientations provided by Council and Parliament. In view of the political changes at the horizon with the forthcoming elections, it is mandatory to ensure that Europe’s successes in Space are ensured. As a result, last June this Commission adopted important proposals that will shape the future of Space in terms of programme components, research and innovation needs and investment ambitions.


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