La série Réalités Industrielles publie trimestriellement des dossiers thématiques sur des sujets importants pour le développement industriel et économique. Piloté par un spécialiste du secteur sous l’égide du Comité de rédaction de la série, chaque dossier présente une large gamme de points de vue complémentaires, en faisant appel à des auteurs issus à la fois de l’enseignement et de la recherche, de l’entreprise, de l’administration ainsi que du monde politique et associatif. Voir la gouvernance de la série




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Novembre 2017 - Vers la fin du cash ?

Making in-store payment enjoyable by adopting mobile payment

and Nathalie T. M. DEMOULIN

The increasing penetration rate of smartphones changes behaviors based on mobile unique features. Our research provides a first attempt to better understand the adoption of in-store smartphone usage to enhance a brick-and-mortar experience. More particularly, it focuses on proximity mobile payment (p-m-payment), which corresponds to a recent tendency of shoppers to finalize the transaction through their smartphone while they shop in a store. Using a perceived value approach, this paper identifies utilitarian, hedonic and social benefits as well as financial and privacy risks as key drivers of adoption for p-m-payment.
A comparison between the drivers of this new in-store mobile usage and the ones for more familiar tasks such as mobile information search, highlights clear differences in what drives intention, as shoppers are more experienced with the latter.
The paper discusses the implications for mobile and channel researches and provides sugges­tions for retailers to facilitate and take advantage of p-m-payment.


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November 2017 - Towards the end of cash?

Making in-store payment enjoyable by adopting mobile payment

Gwarlann De Kerviler
Nathalie T. M. Demoulin,

The increasing penetration rate of smartphones changes behaviors based on mobile unique features. Our research provides a first attempt to better understand the adoption of in-store smartphone usage to enhance a brick-and-mortar experience. More particularly, it focuses on proximity mobile payment (p-m-payment), which corresponds to a recent tendency of shoppers to finalize the transaction through their smartphone while they shop in a store. Using a perceived value approach, this paper identifies utilitarian, hedonic and social benefits as well as financial and privacy risks as key drivers of adoption for p-m-payment.
A comparison between the drivers of this new in-store mobile usage and the ones for more familiar tasks such as mobile information search, highlight clear differences in what drives intention, as shoppers are more experienced with the latter.
The paper discusses the implications for mobile and channel researches and provides suggestions for retailers to facilitate and take advantage of p-m-payment.


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Noviembre 2017 - El final del dinero en efectivo

Making in-store payment enjoyable by adopting mobile payment

Gwarlann De Kerviler
Nathalie T. M. Demoulin,

The increasing penetration rate of smartphones changes behaviors based on mobile unique features. Our research provides a first attempt to better understand the adoption of in-store smartphone usage to enhance a brick-and-mortar experience. More particularly, it focuses on proximity mobile payment (p-m-payment), which corresponds to a recent tendency of shoppers to finalize the transaction through their smartphone while they shop in a store. Using a perceived value approach, this paper identifies utilitarian, hedonic and social benefits as well as financial and privacy risks as key drivers of adoption for p-m-payment.
A comparison between the drivers of this new in-store mobile usage and the ones for more familiar tasks such as mobile information search, highlight clear differences in what drives intention, as shoppers are more experienced with the latter.
The paper discusses the implications for mobile and channel researches and provides suggestions for retailers to facilitate and take advantage of p-m-payment.


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Les Annales des Mines

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