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Enjeux numériques n° 5 Normaliser le numérique ?

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N° 5 - Mars 2019 - Normaliser le numérique ?

5G Standardisation

Achilleas KEMOS, Bernard BARANI and Peter STUCKMANN


The article highlights the importance of 5G Connectivity in the EU policy context as expressed by President Juncker and European Commission’s 5G Action Plan. The Commission initiated visionary EU-funded research activities already in 2012, which led to the setup of the European 5G Public Private Partnership (5G PPP).
In this context, fostering the emergence of global industry standards under EU leadership for key 5G technologies is an important policy objective. The 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) is the key global standardisation body for 5G standardisation. In 2018, the 3GPP celebrated its 20 years having delivered 3G, 4G and 5G standards. Several hundreds of industry contributions to 3GPP originate from results of projects supported under the 5G PPP initiative.
During 2018, Release 15 was finalised and Release 16 was launched. The 3GPP has managed to maintain a high level of efficiency, in spite of an unprecedented complexity. This intense process might lead to some delays in implementations. The European Commission is following the developments, attentive that the inclusive standardisation process remains inclusive.


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N° 5 - March 2019 - Standardize digital technology?


5G Standardization


Achilleas KEMOS, Bernard BARANI & Peter STUCKMANN


The importance of 5G Connectivity was expressed by President Juncker and in the European Commission’s 5G Action Plan. The visionary EU-funded research activities initiated by the Commission back in 2012 led to the European 5G Public Private Partnership (5G PPP). An important policy objective has been to foster, under EU leadership, the emergence of global industry standards for key 5G technologies. The 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) is the principal global standardization body for standardizing 5G. In 2018, it celebrated its 20th anniversary. Hundreds of industry contributions to 3GPP have come from projects supported under 5G PPP. During 2018, Release 15 was finalized; and Release 16, launched. 3GPP has managed to deliver 3G, 4G and 5G standards and maintain a high level of efficiency, despite the incredible complexity, an intense process that might encounter delays in implementation. The European Commission is following developments, attentive that the inclusive standardization process remains inclusive.


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