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EN N° 4

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Digital issues
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N° 4 - Décembre 2018 - Gouvernances du numérique

Back to the future of the Internet: guidance from the Web’s open origins for today’s problems

Mitchell BAKER


The open Internet has fulfilled much of its original promise. However, increasingly it is becoming easy to forget the benefits the internet brings, or the promise it first held to better the human condition. A new vision of online life is creeping in, one in which the internet is dominated by a few mega-corporations that see and control everything, and where citizens can’t tell what’s true, and respond to rumors with violence and increasingly nihilist actions. Responding to today’s online challenges requires remembering, reimagining and reapplying key aspects of openness which lie at the internet’s core. We need smart, thoughtful ideas and policies that integrate the key benefits of open systems into effective solutions to today’s challenges. 


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N° 4 - December 2018 - The governance of digital technology


Back to the Internet’s future: Guidance from the Web’s open origins for today’s problems


Mitchell BAKER


The open Internet has mostly fulfilled its original promise. It is becoming ever easier to forget the benefits the Internet brings, or the promise it first held for bettering the human condition. A new vision of online life is creeping in of a few megacorporations that detect and control everything, and dominate the Internet, a vision in which citizens are unable to discern what is true and they respond to rumors with violence and increasingly nihilistic actions. Responding to today’s online challenges requires remembering, reimagining and reapplying key aspects of openness that lie at the Internet’s core. We need smart, thoughtful ideas and policies that integrate the key benefits of open systems into effective solutions for today’s challenges.


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