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N° 83 - Juillet 2016 - Où vont les sciences de l'environnement ?

Where next for global environmental research? The answer is Future Earth

By Corinne LE QUÉRÉ
Professor and director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Research
Head of Communication for Future Earth Europe at the University of East Anglia in the United Kingdom


It is likely that you live in a crowded European city. You want fresh air when you cross the road, you want to see that everyone everywhere has quality of life, you want to know that plants and animals are safe from extinction through local habitat destruction and globally from climate change. This world that we want needs a different type of scientific research to what has gone before. It needs research that can help solve environmental problems as well as better analyse and understand them. Future Earth has been created for scientists across all disciplines to work together with societies' experts to find solutions to the most pressing challenges facing people and the planet. Here we describe this new global organisation called Future Earth and what it wants to achieve in Europe and how.


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N° 83 - July 2016 - Where is environmental science headed?

Where next for global environmental research? The answer is Future Earth

Corinne Le Quéré,
professor and director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Research,
Asher Minns,
head of communication for Future Earth Europe at the University of East Anglia, United Kingdom


It is likely that you live in a crowded European city. You want fresh air when you cross the road, you want to see that everyone everywhere has quality of life, you want to know that plants and animals are safe from extinction through local habitat destruction and globally from climate change. This world that we want needs a different type of scientific research to what has gone before. It needs research that can help solve environmental problems as well as better analyse and understand them. Future Earth has been created for scientists across all disciplines to work together with societies' experts to find solutions to the most pressing challenges facing people and the planet. Here we describe this new global organisation called Future Earth and what it wants to achieve in Europe and how.


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N° 83 - Juli 2016 - Wohin entwickeln sich die Umweltwissenschaften ?

Where next for global environmental research? The answer is Future Earth

Corinne Le Quéré,
professor and director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Research,
Asher Minns,
head of communication for Future Earth Europe at the University of East Anglia, United Kingdom


It is likely that you live in a crowded European city. You want fresh air when you cross the road, you want to see that everyone everywhere has quality of life, you want to know that plants and animals are safe from extinction through local habitat destruction and globally from climate change. This world that we want needs a different type of scientific research to what has gone before. It needs research that can help solve environmental problems as well as better analyse and understand them. Future Earth has been created for scientists across all disciplines to work together with societies' experts to find solutions to the most pressing challenges facing people and the planet. Here we describe this new global organisation called Future Earth and what it wants to achieve in Europe and how.


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N° 83 - Julio 2016 - ¿Cuál es el futuro de las ciencias del medioambiente?

Where next for global environmental research? The answer is Future Earth

Corinne Le Quéré,
professor and director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Research,
Asher Minns,
head of communication for Future Earth Europe at the University of East Anglia, United Kingdom


It is likely that you live in a crowded European city. You want fresh air when you cross the road, you want to see that everyone everywhere has quality of life, you want to know that plants and animals are safe from extinction through local habitat destruction and globally from climate change. This world that we want needs a different type of scientific research to what has gone before. It needs research that can help solve environmental problems as well as better analyse and understand them. Future Earth has been created for scientists across all disciplines to work together with societies' experts to find solutions to the most pressing challenges facing people and the planet. Here we describe this new global organisation called Future Earth and what it wants to achieve in Europe and how.


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