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N° 77 - Janvier 2015 - Quel accord sur le climat en 2015 ?

Changes in global energy: will they be led by policies or driven by events?

By Fatih BIROL
Chief Economist, International Energy Agency


As disseminated in the International Energy Agency’s World Energy Outlook 2014, the global energy system increasingly looks to be in danger of falling short of the high hopes placed upon it. Energy security concerns are on the rise in oil and gas markets as turmoil in the Middle East may jeopardise upstream oil investment needed today and the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has reignited concern about gas supply in Europe. Energy efficiency remains an indispensible tool to bring about a more sustainable energy mix, but energy prices and government policies must provide the right signals to continue to encourage its uptake. Meanwhile, global greenhouse-gas emissions keep rising, setting up a critical round of international climate negotiations in Paris in 2015. Ultimately, it will take deliberate and sustained policy action by governments to overcome the inertia of current trends and to spur the development of a more secure, more affordable and cleaner energy system.


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N° 77 - January 2015 - What international climate agreement in 2015?

Changes in global energy: will they be led by policies or driven by events?

Fatih BIROL,
Chief Economist, International Energy Agency


As disseminated in the International Energy Agency’s World Energy Outlook 2014, the global energy system increasingly looks to be in danger of falling short of the high hopes placed upon it. Energy security concerns are on the rise in oil and gas markets as turmoil in the Middle East may jeopardise upstream oil investment needed today and the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has reignited concern about gas supply in Europe. Energy efficiency remains an indispensible tool to bring about a more sustainable energy mix, but energy prices and government policies must provide the right signals to continue to encourage its uptake. Meanwhile, global greenhouse-gas emissions keep rising, setting up a critical round of international climate negotiations in Paris in 2015. Ultimately, it will take deliberate and sustained policy action by governments to overcome the inertia of current trends and to spur the development of a more secure, more affordable and cleaner energy system.


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N° 77 - Januar 2015 - Welches internationale Klima-Abkommen im Jahr 2015 ?

Changes in global energy: will they be led by policies or driven by events?

Fatih BIROL,
Chief Economist, International Energy Agency


As disseminated in the International Energy Agency’s World Energy Outlook 2014, the global energy system increasingly looks to be in danger of falling short of the high hopes placed upon it. Energy security concerns are on the rise in oil and gas markets as turmoil in the Middle East may jeopardise upstream oil investment needed today and the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has reignited concern about gas supply in Europe. Energy efficiency remains an indispensible tool to bring about a more sustainable energy mix, but energy prices and government policies must provide the right signals to continue to encourage its uptake. Meanwhile, global greenhouse-gas emissions keep rising, setting up a critical round of international climate negotiations in Paris in 2015. Ultimately, it will take deliberate and sustained policy action by governments to overcome the inertia of current trends and to spur the development of a more secure, more affordable and cleaner energy system.


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N° 77 - enero 2015 - ¿Qué acuerdo sobre el clima se logrará en 2015?

Changes in global energy: will they be led by policies or driven by events?

Fatih BIROL,
Chief Economist, International Energy Agency


As disseminated in the International Energy Agency’s World Energy Outlook 2014, the global energy system increasingly looks to be in danger of falling short of the high hopes placed upon it. Energy security concerns are on the rise in oil and gas markets as turmoil in the Middle East may jeopardise upstream oil investment needed today and the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has reignited concern about gas supply in Europe. Energy efficiency remains an indispensible tool to bring about a more sustainable energy mix, but energy prices and government policies must provide the right signals to continue to encourage its uptake. Meanwhile, global greenhouse-gas emissions keep rising, setting up a critical round of international climate negotiations in Paris in 2015. Ultimately, it will take deliberate and sustained policy action by governments to overcome the inertia of current trends and to spur the development of a more secure, more affordable and cleaner energy system.


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