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N° 78 - Avril 2015 - L'industrie française et la politique énergétique

A house makeover paid for by your energy bill

By Jasper van den MUNCKHOF
Director Energiesprong
Ron van ERCK
Manager European Markets


In the Netherlands, 27 social housing associations (HLM’s) and a group of builders are refurbishing 111,000 houses to Net Zero Energy levels. Net Zero Energy means that the house annually produces the same amount of energy that is used for heating, hot water, lights and electric appliances. Remarkably, the refurbishments take only one week; the builder provides a 40-year guarantee on the energy performance and the refurbishments are done without government subsidies. The best part is: the people living in these houses are very happy with their refurbished new homes. In 2015, these solutions are also brought to the private market. The deal is the same: A Net Zero Energy makeover, with no additional cost for the homeowner. It sounds too good to be true. How was this achieved and could this be done in France?


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N° 78 - April 2015 - French industry and energy policy

A house makeover paid for by your energy bill

Jasper van den Munckhof,
Director Energiesprong,
Ron van Erck,
Manager European Markets


In the Netherlands, 27 social housing associations (HLM’s) and a group of builders are refurbishing 111,000 houses to Net Zero Energy levels. Net Zero Energy means that the house annually produces the same amount of energy that is used for heating, hot water, lights and electric appliances. Remarkably, the refurbishments take only one week; the builder provides a 40-year guarantee on the energy performance and the refurbishments are done without government subsidies. The best part is: the people living in these houses are very happy with their refurbished new homes. In 2015, these solutions are also brought to the private market. The deal is the same: A Net Zero Energy makeover, with no additional cost for the homeowner. It sounds too good to be true. How was this achieved and could this be done in France?


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N° 78 - April 2015 - Die französische Industrie und die Energiepolitik

A house makeover paid for by your energy bill

Jasper van den Munckhof,
Director Energiesprong,
Ron van Erck,
Manager European Markets


In the Netherlands, 27 social housing associations (HLM’s) and a group of builders are refurbishing 111,000 houses to Net Zero Energy levels. Net Zero Energy means that the house annually produces the same amount of energy that is used for heating, hot water, lights and electric appliances. Remarkably, the refurbishments take only one week; the builder provides a 40-year guarantee on the energy performance and the refurbishments are done without government subsidies. The best part is: the people living in these houses are very happy with their refurbished new homes. In 2015, these solutions are also brought to the private market. The deal is the same: A Net Zero Energy makeover, with no additional cost for the homeowner. It sounds too good to be true. How was this achieved and could this be done in France?


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N° 78 - Abril 2015 - La industria francesa y la política energética

A house makeover paid for by your energy bill

Jasper van den Munckhof,
Director Energiesprong,
Ron van Erck,
Manager European Markets


In the Netherlands, 27 social housing associations (HLM’s) and a group of builders are refurbishing 111,000 houses to Net Zero Energy levels. Net Zero Energy means that the house annually produces the same amount of energy that is used for heating, hot water, lights and electric appliances. Remarkably, the refurbishments take only one week; the builder provides a 40-year guarantee on the energy performance and the refurbishments are done without government subsidies. The best part is: the people living in these houses are very happy with their refurbished new homes. In 2015, these solutions are also brought to the private market. The deal is the same: A Net Zero Energy makeover, with no additional cost for the homeowner. It sounds too good to be true. How was this achieved and could this be done in France?


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Les Annales des Mines

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