La série Responsabilité & Environnement publie trimestriellement des dossiers thématiques sur des sujets concernant les risques, le développement durable ainsi que l’énergie et les matières premières. Piloté par un spécialiste du secteur sous l’égide du Comité de rédaction de la série, chaque dossier présente une large gamme de points de vue complémentaires, en faisant appel à des auteurs issus à la fois de l’enseignement et de la recherche, de l’entreprise, de l’administration ainsi que du monde politique et associatif.
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la revue complète

N° 78 - Avril 2015 - L'industrie française et la politique énergétique

A glimpse into european political debate: is energetic transition really mandatory for everybody? État des lieux du débat politique européen : une transition pour tous ?

Chairman, NEWES, New Energy Solutions Co-founder and first chairman of the Council of European Energy Regulators


Diderot was one of the main actors in the transition to modern age and his Lettre sur les aveugles provides amusing insights into the construction process of a new mindset by exploring different views about how we “see” (or “frame”) reality. In every transitional process there are things we see immediately and things we don’t see because of our blind loyalty to custom. Therefore, a critical approach is essential to better understand (and to better manage) any transitional process - including the present transition towards the European “Energy Union”.


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N° 78 - April 2015 - French industry and energy policy

A glimpse into european political debate: is energetic transition really mandatory for everybody?
État des lieux du débat politique européen : une transition pour tous ?

Jorge Vasconcelos,
Chairman, NEWES, New Energy Solutions
Co-founder and first chairman of the Council of European Energy Regulators


Diderot was one of the main actors in the transition to modern age and his Lettre sur les aveugles provides amusing insights into the construction process of a new mindset by exploring different views about how we “see” (or “frame”) reality. In every transitional process there are things we see immediately and things we don’t see because of our blind loyalty to custom. Therefore, a critical approach is essential to better understand (and to better manage) any transitional process - including the present transition towards the European “Energy Union”.


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N° 78 - April 2015 - Die französische Industrie und die Energiepolitik

A glimpse into european political debate: is energetic transition really mandatory for everybody?
État des lieux du débat politique européen : une transition pour tous ?

Jorge Vasconcelos,
Chairman, NEWES, New Energy Solutions
Co-founder and first chairman of the Council of European Energy Regulators


Diderot was one of the main actors in the transition to modern age and his Lettre sur les aveugles provides amusing insights into the construction process of a new mindset by exploring different views about how we “see” (or “frame”) reality. In every transitional process there are things we see immediately and things we don’t see because of our blind loyalty to custom. Therefore, a critical approach is essential to better understand (and to better manage) any transitional process - including the present transition towards the European “Energy Union”.


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N° 78 - Abril 2015 - La industria francesa y la política energética

A glimpse into european political debate: is energetic transition really mandatory for everybody?
État des lieux du débat politique européen : une transition pour tous ?

Jorge Vasconcelos,
Chairman, NEWES, New Energy Solutions
Co-founder and first chairman of the Council of European Energy Regulators


Diderot was one of the main actors in the transition to modern age and his Lettre sur les aveugles provides amusing insights into the construction process of a new mindset by exploring different views about how we “see” (or “frame”) reality. In every transitional process there are things we see immediately and things we don’t see because of our blind loyalty to custom. Therefore, a critical approach is essential to better understand (and to better manage) any transitional process - including the present transition towards the European “Energy Union”.


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Les Annales des Mines

Télédoc 797, 120, rue de Bercy – 75572 – Paris cedex 12
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