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Réalités Industrielles - Février 2022 - Les industries culturelles et créatrices




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May 2022 - The economics of energy renovation

Issue Editors:


Engineer General of Mines, General Council of the Economy,
Bertrand COCHI
President of the Stanford Club of France and Vice-President of Mines ParisTech Alumni,

Bernard SOULEZ
Vice President of the Association of Executives for Social and Economic Progress (ACADI)


Introduction: Serge CATOIRE, Bertrand COCHI et Bernard SOULEZ

The energy renovation of buildings, a market under construction

Philippe Pelletier,
Chairman of the Sustainable Building Plan, Chairman of the Executive Board of the Habitat et Humanisme Federation and Chairman of the Development Council of the Greater Paris Region


Energy renovation of buildings, a priority public policy in full evolution

Anne-Lise Deloron Rocard and Florent Martin,
Ministry of Ecological Transition


Climate change, energy and buildings: a challenge for society

Didier Roux,
Academy of Sciences


An economist’s point of view on the energy renovation of housing and its regulation

Matthieu Glachant,
Director of i3-CERNA (Center for Industrial Economics) and professor at Mines Paris ‒ PSL


Proposals for an ambitious energy renovation policy

Andreas Rüdinger,
Associate researcher at the Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI) and energy policy consultant


Renovating with (techno-)discernment

Philippe Bihouix,
AREP (multidisciplinary architecture agency)


The energy renovation of the buildings of the State real estate: organizational innovations and prospects

Hervé Le Dû
Nicolas Blondel,
General Directorate of Public Finances/Directorate of State Real Estate (DIE)


Industrialization of energy renovation

Sébastien Delpont,
Director of EnergieSprong France and Associate Director of GreenFlex


Condominiums, a socio-technical and economic object to be renovated

Raphaël Claustre,
Managing Director of Île-de-France Energies


Truly efficient renovation: reconciling the end of energy poverty and the fight against climate change

Vincent Legrand,
Managing Director of Doremi


CUBE, the national competition for energy savings between buildings

Cédric Borel,
Christophe Rodriguez
Emmanuelle Bertaudière,
French Institute for Building Performance


Example of strategies developed and results obtained by winners of the national CUBE competition

Cédric Borel,
Christophe Rodriguez
Emmanuelle Bertaudière,
 French Institute for Building Performance


Innovation in building renovation, a key element of the ecological transition

Christian Brodhag,
Civil engineer of mines, doctor of science, professor emeritus at the École des mines de Saint-Étienne (member of the Institut Mines Télécom)


The contribution of technologies in numerical simulation

Bruno Peuportier
Patrick Schalbart,
Mines ParisTech and Lab Recherche Environnement VINCI ParisTech


Eco-Energy Decree for Commercial Buildings: Methodology and issues at the scale of a real estate portfolio

Nathalie Tchang,
Director of Tribu Énergie


The choice of geothermal energy for theAirbus headquarters

Carole Amoros-Routié,
Head of maintenance at Airbus France


Energy renovation of the Hôtel de Vendôme, the historic heart of the École des mines de Paris

Catherine Lagneau,
Deputy Head of Department of the General Economic Council and Deputy Director of the École des mines de Paris


Technological developments and market position of air-to-water and geothermal heat pumps

Pierre-Louis François,
Atlantic Group


Nordic countries’ strategies for home energy renovation

Julien Grosjean,
French Embassy in Sweden


The interest of solar thermal energy in renovation

Olivier Godin,
President and founder of SolisArt and vice-president of Enerplan


ISUPFERE: a training program in energy engineering from Mines de Paris directly linked to the challenges of building renovation

Pascal Stabat,
Head of the ISUPFERE engineering program


Why does energy renovation need an operational human resources policy?

Dominique Naert,
Director of the Executive Real Estate and Sustainable Building Master’s degree at École des Ponts ParisTech,
Marjolaine Meynier-Millefert,
Vice President of the Commission on Sustainable Development and Regional Planning and President of the HQE-GBC Alliance


Massifying the energy renovation of housing with IMOPE, the national building observatory

Jonathan Villot,
Henri Fayol Institute, GEO Department, Mines Saint-Étienne


Distribution of heating costs in collective housing and energy renovation: a beautiful synergy

Éric Vorger,
Co-founder of Kocliko


The Energy Efficiency Renovation Pathway (EEPR): political, economic and strategic issues

Florence Presson,
Deputy Mayor of Sceaux (92)


Energy renovation and architectural quality: a major challenge for the common good

Corinne Langlois
Fabienne Fendrich,
Architecture Department of the Ministry of Culture


Accelerating renovation in Europe with artificial intelligence

Quentin Panissod
Pedro Gomes Lopes,
Vinci Group


Building 4.0: a prerequisite for any energy renovation

Emmanuel François,
President Smart Buildings Alliance (SBA)




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