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May 2017 - Patients and practitioners in the field: Innovations in health

Issue editor: Robert PICARD ,

engineer from the Corps des Mines, advisor on health at the Conseil Général de l’Économie (CGE)

To read summaries, click on the article titles

Foreword: Robert PICARD,

engineer from the Corps des Mines, advisor on health at the Conseil Général de l’Économie (CGE)

Conducting collaborative health projects


Feedback from a procedure for co-conception

Cédric Routier,
head of the multidisciplinary research unit HADéPaS (Handicap, Autonomy and Development of Social Participation), Catholic University of Lille;
Agnès d’Arripe,
research professor, HADéPaS;
Stéphane Soyez
in charge of the workshop on the new neighborhood, Humanicité, at the Catholic University of Lille


On-going co-design, a key factor of success in patient care

Agnès Caillette-Beaudoin,
Arnault Thouret,
Tmm Software


The role of patients and their organizations in health innovations: Conceptions and real transformations

Caroline Guillot,
head of Diabète LAB at the French Federation of Diabetics


Implicating patients in connected solutions for controlling compliance with prescribed treatments

Sylvie Arnavielhe,
Virginie Delay,

Marshaling the social and human sciences to understand the new uses of digital technology


Health and disabilities: From a user-centered to a universal conception

Véronique Lespinet-Najib,
research professor in cognetics;
Amélie Roche,
postdoctoral student in cognetics;
Quentin Chibaudel,
doctoral student in cognetics

All three from the École Nationale Supérieure de Cognitique, École d’Ingénieurs de l’Institut Polytechnique de Bordeaux (INP Group)


Hospitality in health establishments, an innovative social experiment in hospitals

Barbara Bay
Christelle Carrier,
La Fabrique de l’Hospitalité


Domesticating technology

Myriam Lewkowicz,
Troyes University of Technology, ICD, CNRS UMR 6281 Tech-CICO


Living labs in health and autonomy: From procedure to process, from innovation to “e-novation”

Sophie Martin,
associate professor and certified dissertation supervisor in psychology at the Paul Valéry University in Montpellier and clinical psychologist specialized in neuropsychology at UEROS;
Denis Brouillet,
professor of cognitive and experimental psychology at Paul Valéry University in Montpellier and member of DynaCSE, a team in Epsylon Laboratory;
Gérard Dray,
research professor at École des Mines in Alès – Institut Mines-Télécom


E-health and prevention: What assessments for what sorts of interventions?

Olivier Aromatario,
engineer, INCa/IReSP/EHESP, doctoral student in public health at UMR 6051, CRAPE/ARENES EHESP – Université Sorbonne Paris Cité


The importance of measuring quality in medical imaging

Jean-Marie Moureaux,
professor at the Lorraine University and researcher at the Centre de Recherche en Automatique de Nancy (CRAN)


Evaluating uses and behaviors in immersive environments: A few current issues

Guillaume Jégou,
head of the Laboratoire Usages et Acceptabilité, Institut de Recherche Technologique B-Com;
Nico Pallamin,
Institut de Recherche Technologique B-Com


Research-intervention and living labs: Derived from “immersive research”?

Mathias Béjean,
associate professor at Université Paris-Est-Créteil-Val-de-Marne;
Jean-Claude Moisdon,
professor and honorary director of research at Mines ParisTech – Institut Mines-Télécom

Participatory innovations in health: Which public policies?


Citizen participation in making decisions in and about health: Issues, traps, risks and innovations

Yves Charpak,
public health doctor and epidemiologist, formerly principal advisor at the regional bureau of WHO for Europe in Copenhagen, vice-president of the Société Française de Santé Publique


Health in the flesh and in digits

Gérard Dubey,
professor of sociology at Télécom École de Management – Institut Mines-Télécom


Living labs, levers of innovation in public health

Valentin Berthou,
doctoral student at Troyes University of Technology;
Robert Picard,
engineer from the Corps des Mines, advisor on health at Conseil General de l’Économie (CGÉ)


An accelerator of innovation in health: Lab Santé Île-de-France

Christine Calinaud,
head of the e-health program at Lab Santé Île-de-France;
Jean-François Dhainaut,
director of Lab Santé Île-de-France


The prospects for a policy of health innovation

Jean-Yves Fagon,
ministerial delegate on innovations in health


Health: common to public policies? The Canadian experience

Eva Kehayia,
Sara Ahmed,
Philippe Archambault,
Joyce Fung
Anouk Lamontagne
from the Centre de Recherche Interdisciplinaire en Réadaptation (CRIR), Montréal (Canada) and the School of Physical and Occupational Therapy, McGill University, Montréal;

Bonnie Swaine
Dahlia Kairy,
both from CRIR and the École de Réadaptation, Faculty of Medicine, Université de Montréal;

Guylaine Le Dorze,
CRIR and École d’Orthophonie et d’Audiologie, Faculty of Medicine, Université de Montréal;

Hélène Lefebvre,
CRIR and Faculty of Nursing Sciences, Université de Montréal;

Tiiu Poldma,
CRIR and Faculté de l’Aménagement, Université de Montréal;


Delphine Labbé,
Occupational Science and Therapy, University of British Columbia.



Political and cultural aspects of contemporary utopias

Philippe Bernard,
economist, chairman of Club Utopies (Association Prospective 2100);
Alexandre Rojey,
founder of the think tank IDées (Tuck Foundation) and vice-president of the association SENS+





Les Annales des Mines

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