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Responsabilité et Environnement - N° 102 - Avril 2021 - Quelle finance pour une économie durable ?


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N° 102 - April 2021 - Finance for a sustainable economy?

Issue editor: Ivar Ekeland

Introductory remarks


Finance at a time of reckoning with planetary limits

Ivar Ekeland,
mathematician, specialist on economics and finance


The dawning awareness of climate risks and their systemic dimension

Laurent Clerc,
director of risk analysis, Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution

Financial risks


Economic and financial models put to the test of the environmental polycrisis

Gaël Giraud,
researcher, CNRS, founder of the program on environmental justice, Georgetown University


Financial tools for more resilience

Stéphane Hallegatte,
World Bank


Risks related to the energy transition and failed assets

Michel Lepetit,
associate researcher, LIED, vice-president of The Shift Project


Legal uncertainty and risks to reputations

Béatrice Parance,
professor of law, Université UPL Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis


How the funding model war has formatted the environmental transition

Arnaud Berger,
associate in charge of partnerships, Mob-Ion

The state’s role


How to reduce environmentally harmful subsidies?

Guillaume Sainteny,
AgroParisTech and Académie d’Agriculture de France


Adapting budgetary governance to environmen­tal requirements

Alain Grandjean,
cofounder and associate of Carbone 4 & president of the Nicolas Hulot Foundation


The stakes in the European taxonomy for green finance

Anna Creti,
Paris Dauphine-PSL University


A mini-toll on cashless payments for financing the transition toward a sustainable economy

Jean-Charles Rochet,
professor of banking economics, GSEM, University of Geneva and Toulouse School of Economics (TSE)

New financial instruments


Green bonds: The king is naked

Julien Lefournier,
consultant in finance


From carbon offsets to the funding of carbon neutrality

Renaud Bettin,
lead climate expert, Sweep


Biodiversity mitigation, an economic instrument at the service of the public interest

Jean-Christophe Benoît, Antoine Cadi and Sophie Ménard,

CDC Biodiversité


Measuring biodiversity as a tool for reaching glo­bal objectives

Joshua Berger, Antoine Cadi, Sophie Ménard and Antoine Vallier,

CDC Biodiversité



Corporate environmental and social policies: How to dialog with investors?

Édith Ginglinger,
professor Paris-Dauphine University ‒ PSL


Bookkeeping and the environment: Accounting differently

Frédérique Déjean,
professor of managerial studies, Paris Dauphine University ‒ PSL


BNP Paribas and green finance

Sébastien Soleille,
head of the Energy and Environmental Transition, BNP Paribas


Economic leverage for biodiversity

Laurent Piermont,


Paris, I love you! When finance embraces climate goals

Stéphane Voisin, Julie Raynaud and Peter Tankov,
Louis Bachelier Institute


COVID-19 and CO2: Can finance contribute to a ‟convergence in combat”?

Christian de Perthuis,
Paris-Dauphine University ‒ PSL




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