N° 34 - april 2004
To read summaries, click on the article titles
Vice-Président du Conseil Général des Mines
Foreword: Dominique PETIT
Ingénieur général des mines
Gilbert TROLY
Administrateur de la Chambre syndicale des Industries minières
Methods for working salt deposits: An international assessment Pierre Bérest, Bill Diamond, Antoine Duquesnoy, Gérard Durup, Bernard Feuga and Lothar Lhoff with the collaboration of Ignace Salpeteur
Water resurfacing from abandoned underground mines: A predictive approach to changes in the iron content according to Paul Younger of the University of Newcastle
Jacques et Katia Laversannne
Société de l'industrie minérale
Mining in Salsigne: History and redevelopment Claude Sauzay
From mining to developing underground resources
Jean-Charles Besson
Charbonnages de France
A glimpse of an experience in postmining Jean-Charles Besson