
N° 120 - June 2015
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Editorial: Pascal LEFEBVRE
Ar(t)chitects and management: The introduction of managerial tools among architects
Miguel Delattre,
senior lecturer, ISEOR, Magellan, Institut d’Administration des Entreprises of Lyon (IAE), University of Jean Moulin;
Renaud Petit,
senior lecturer, University of Franche-Comté, Centre de Recherches en Gestion des Organisations (CREGO), research associate at Institut de Socio-Économie des Entreprises et des Organisations (ISEOR);
Véronique Zardet,
professor, ISEOR, Magellan, Lyon IAE, University of Jean Moulin
Big Oil’s comeback in the wake of the third oil shock Class of enterprise and strategic group in the oil industry
Rodolphe Greggio,
teacher of prep school classes for the Grandes Écoles (CPGE), Lycée Carnot, Paris;
Benoît Mafféï
senior researcher, École des Hautes Études Commerciales (ÉDHÉC), Paris
Does the translation from French into English of communications from corporate chairmen alter their meaning?
Michaël Vallée,
research professor, EDC Paris Business School
“Co-opetition”, a stabilizing strategy in traditional sectors? A case study of a label of origin: “Free-range poultry from Landes”
Stéphanie Petzold,
research professor, Kedge Business School;
Marie Carpenter,
senior lecturer, Télécom École de Management
Geographical maps and managerial tools
Régis Martineau,
ESC Group, Troyes
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Managers in training at the Louvre: The art of painting in a training program
Christophe Falcoz,
associate professor, Institut d’Administration des Entreprises (IAE) in Lyon, director RCF Management;
Yves Frédéric Livian,
emeritus professor, Lyon IAE
What art has to say about corporate restructuring: Revealing the unthinkable and knowing from experience
Géraldine Schmidt,
GREGOR (Research Group on the Management of Organizations), MAI Chair at the Institut d’Administration des Entreprises de Paris (IAE: Sorbonne Graduate Business School), University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne;
Rachel Beaujolin,
GREGOR, MAI Chair at the Paris IAE and Neoma Business School;
Damien Mourey,
GREGOR, Paris IAE, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne;
Natalia Bobadilla,
GREGOR, MAI Chair, Paris IAE , University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne;
Stéphane Debenedetti,
Dauphine Research in Management, University of Paris Dauphine;
Philippe Mairesse,
ACTE, Art et Flux, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne;
Véronique Perret,
Dauphine Research in Management, University of Paris Dauphine;
François Pichault,
LENTIC, School of Management (HEC), University of Liège;
Virginie Xhauflair,
Baillet Latour Chair, School of Management (HEC), University of Liège
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Franck Aggeri, professeor, MINES ParisTech, PSL Research University, Centre de Gestion Scientifique (CGS), UMR CNRS i3 9217: How to make firms pay their debt to society? On Michel Capron and Françoise Quairel-Lanoizelée’s, L’entreprise dans la société. Une question politique (Paris: Éditions La Découverte, Collection Grands Repères).
Arnaud Tonnelé, consultant, coach, Groupe Bernard Julhiet: The cost of a breakdown in intelligence: On Bruno Jarrosson’s La panne de l’intelligence stratégique. Pourquoi les peuples creusent-ils leur tombe en sifflotant? (Paris: L’Harmattan, 2014).
Michel Villette, Centre Maurice Halbwachs, ENS/EHESS/CNRS: Disputed markets — Putting on the market, putting moral conceptions to the test: On Philippe Steiner and Marie Trespeuch’s (eds.), Marchés contestés. Quand le marché rencontre la morale (Toulouse: Presses Universitaires du Mirail, 2014).