N° 98 - April 2020 - The actuality of catastrophes
Issue editors: Maud Devès & Paul-Henri Bourrelier
Foreword: Paul-Henri Bourrelier,
honorary engineer from the Corps des Mines, former director of the Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières (BRGM)
Introduction: Maud Devès,
Paris University, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP) & Institut Humanités, Sciences et Sociétés (IHSS)
Catastrophe, a multifaceted concept
Learning from the past how to better handle catastrophes
Emmanuel Garnier,
Tectonics and religions
Thierry Gaudin,
president of the association Prospective 2100
The paradoxes of prophesying misfortune: A critique of collapsology
Jean-Pierre Dupuy,
Stanford University
Futurology, catastrophes and “collapsology”
Jacques Theys,
former lecturer at EHESS, vice-president of the Société Française de Prospective
Catastrophes: News and newness
Catastrophic forest fires
Éric Rigolot,
Jean-Luc Dupuy,
François Pimont &
Julien Ruffault,
The issues raised by reconstruction following Hurricane Irma
Jérémy Desarthe,
Nicolas Bauduceau
Antoine Quantin,
Caisse Centrale de Réassurance (CCR)
A performance appraisal of the 2017 hurricane season in the Antilles
Élie Chevillot-Miot & Cheila Duarte-Colardelle,
Department of Risks and Crises, INHESJ;
Ingrid Canovas,
LATTS, École des Ponts, Gustave Eiffel University;
Christian Iasio & Thierry Winter,
Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières (BRGM);
Valérie November,
LATTS, UMR 8134 CNRS, École des Ponts, Gustave Eiffel University
French research on natural catastrophes and risks: An assessment of a decade of funding by the ANR and the prospects
Anne Lieutaud,
Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR);
Maud Devès,
Paris University, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP) & Institut Humanités, Sciences et Sociétés (IHSS);
Nicolas Eckert, I
Gilles Grandjean,
Bureau de Recherches Géologiques and Minières (BRGM),
Mélanie Pateau & Céline Billière,
Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR)
WannaCry, a planetary nightmare
Jean-Luc Aminot,
honorary divisional commissioner, Paris University
Fukushima: Making decisions in extreme situations
Franck Guarnieri
Sébastien Travadel,
MINES ParisTech/PSL, Centre de Recherche sur les Risques et les Crises (CRC)
Acting together to cope with catastrophes
The doctrine of nuclear safety: Continuous improvements to better manage nuclear accidents
Jean-Luc Lachaume
Sylvie Cadet-Mercier,
Authorité de Sûreté Nuclear (ASN)
Managing catastrophes: Outside our steering range
Patrick Lagadec,
honorary director of research, École Polytechnique
Resilience: On the right or wrong track?
Magali Reghezza,
LGP-UMR 8591, École Normale Supérieure
Catastrophes and health: Conceptual and political aspects
William Dab,
Conservatoire National des Arts and Métiers, former director of Health
Research, expertise and decision-making in crisis management
Maud Devès,
Paris University, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP) & Institut Humanités, Sciences et Sociétés (IHSS)
Catastrophes: What do humanitarian organizations have to say?
François Grünewald,
director of Groupe URD
Levers of action for a clean, sure energy mix at the service of local authorities
Florence Carré, Karine Adam, Raymond Cointe & Olivier Gentilhomme,
Mathieu Brugidou & Olivier Guillaume,
Pauline Gabillet,
Métropole de Lyon;
Corinne Gendron,
University of Quebec at Montreal (UQAM);
Magali Jakubowicz,
Community d’Agglomération du Beauvaisis;
Jean-Yves Leber,
Écologie sans Frontière;
Stéphane Mocanu,
Isabelle Moretti,
Pau University;
Éric Vidalenc,
Jacques Villeneuve,
Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières (BRGM)
Climate change: What is at stake for firms?
Godefroy Galas
Angel Prieto,
engineering students, École des Mines
The energy balance sheet for France in 2018: Definitive statistics
Ministère de la Transition écologique et solidaire, Commissariat général au Développement durable, Sous-direction des Statistiques de l’énergie (SDES)