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Responsatilité & Environnement - N° 97 - Janvier 2020 - Le nucléaire civil, enjeux et débats

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N° 97 - January 2020 -Civilian nuclear power: Issues and debates

Issue Editor: Richard LAVERGNE

Introduction: Richard LAVERGNE,

engineer from the Corps des Mines, Conseil Général de l’Économie

A situation analysis


The evolving framework of activities in the nuclear electricity industry worldwide since 1950

Marc Deffrennes,
principal analyst in nuclear energy, Nuclear Energy Agency (under the OECD),
Daniel Iracane,
deputy director general and chief nuclear officer of the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA)


What place for nuclear energy in open electricity markets?

Patrice Geoffron,
Paris-Dauphine University, PSL University, LEDA-CGEMP, UMR CNRS-IRD


Nuclear energy in scenarios for decarbonizing the European energy mix by 2050

Fabien Roques
Yves Le Thieis,
Compass Lexecon


What happened at Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima Daiichi? And where are we now?

Jean-Christophe Niel
Jean Couturier,


The Competitiveness of Nuclear Energy: From LCOE to System Costs

By Jan Horst Keppler
Senior Economist
Division of Nuclear Technology Development and Economics, OECD Nuclear Energy Agency
Marco Cometto
Nuclear Energy Analyst
Division of Nuclear Technology Development and Economics, OECD Nuclear Energy Agency


Calculating the costs of relaunching the nuclear industry and understanding the economic cycle

Jean-Guy Devezeaux de Lavergne
Michel Berthélemy

Société française d’énergie nucléaire


Managing radioactive wastes in France and the world

Pierre-Marie Abadie


Jointly managing nuclear power and intermittent renewables for a low-carbon economy

Alain Burtin

Debates and policies


Managing nuclear wastes

Laurent Michel
Aurélien Louis,
department of Energy and the Climate, DGEC/MTES


Nuclear safety and protection from radiation in France

Bernard Doroszczuk
Lydie Évrard
Autorité de sûreté nucléaire (ASN)


Toward an international convergence of regula­tions on nuclear safety?

Anne-Cécile Rigail
Julien Collet,
assistant general managers, Authority de Sûreté Nuclear


How to develop transparency and participation in civilian nuclear energy?

Jean-Claude Delalonde,
president of ANCCLI


Can we overcome the fear of nuclear energy?

Myrto Tripathi,
founder and president of Voix du Nucléaire


The French nuclear industry in transition

Augustin Bourguignat


Civilian nuclear energy’s strategic dimension

Marc-Antoine Eyl-Mazzega,
Institut Français des Relations Internationales (IFRI)


How to talk about nuclear energy in France?

Pierre-Franck Chevet, former president of the ASN, & Hervé Mariton, mayor of Crest and former MP, interviewed by Richard Lavergne & Delphine Mantienne


A firsthand account from the mayor of a commune where a nuclear power plant is installed

Bertrand Ringot,
mayor of Gravelines


The end of nuclear electricity, a science fiction

Bernard Laponche,
president of the association Global Chance

Industrial and technological aspects


The Nuclear Mission in an Integrated, Carbon-Free Energy Future

Sherry Bernhoft
Senior program manager for Strategic Programs and Long-Term Operations at the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Andrew Sowder
Technical executive in the Advanced Nuclear Technology program at the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Robert Austin
Senior program manager for the Electric Power Research Institute’s (EPRI), new Nuclear Plant Modernization initiative


Reactors of the 4th generation: Forms of technolo­gy and their prospects

Didier Pillet,
engineer from the Corps des Mines, Council Général de l’Économie


Nuclear Power in a Clean Energy System

Keisuke Sadamori
International Energy Agency (IEA)


Replacing France’s fleet of nuclear reactors

Par Valérie Faudon


Industrial leverage for competitiveness in the nuclear industry

Xavier Ursat,
CEO in charge of the Department of Engineering and New Projects at EDF


The supply of uranium and strategic metals for the nuclear industry: Is dependency the problem?

Philippe Knoche,
managing director, Orano





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