Digital Issues is a quarterly series (March, June, September and December) freely downloadable on, with a print version in French language.Focus of the series is on the issues of the digital transition for an enlightened, yet non necessarily expert, readership. Various viewpoints are being used between technology, economy and society as the Annales des Mines are used to doing in all their series. See membership of Editorial board




Numéros précédents

Rechercher :


Réalités Industrielles

Années depuis 1985

Gérer & Comprendre

Toutes les années
Gérer & Comprendre -
English language online selection


Responsabilité & Environnement
Toutes les années
Enjeux numériques
Toutes les années
Financial Regulation
and Governance
Payments and monetay instruments
International financial

La Gazette de la société

et des techniques


Toutes les années

Numéros anciens des Annales des Mines
Lois et réglementation
1919 – 1942

1946 – 1991

Le Club des Annales des Mines

Toutes les années


Histoire des Ingénieurs
des Mines

Documents de synthèse
Directeurs, professeurs,
anciens élèves des Ecoles des mines
Les principaux textes législatifs ou règlementaires
Biographies relatives à des ingénieurs des mines décédés
Composition du corps des ingénieurs
Autres documents sur les mines, carrières, géologie.
La Lettre des Annales des Mines
Toutes les années





Digital issues - N° 15 - September 2021 - the overhaul of the electricity system


Voir le numéro complet



N° 16 - December 2021 - From connected to communicating devices

issue editor: Anne-Lise THOUROUDE


read summary and abstracts










Digital issues - N° 14 - June 2021 - Digital responses to the health crisis


Voir le numéro complet



N° 14 - June 2021 - Digital responses to the health crisis

issue editor: Maurice RONAI


read summary and abstracts

Introduction :

Maurice RONAI








Digital issues - N° 13 - March - Confidence and trust in the digital era


Voir le numéro complet



N° 13 - March - Confidence and trust in the digital era

issue editor : Côme BERBAIN and Bertrand PAILHÈS


read summary and abstracts

Introduction :

Côme BERBAIN and Bertrand PAILHÈS


“Confidence!” “Trust!” During a period of apparently tenser social relations as the references inherited from industrial society are disappearing and as digital technology is becoming a major factor in the transformation of modern societies, these are two catchwords to which few political leaders or experts can stake out a claim. The rollout of the information society over the past thirty years has led to major progress, such as the composition of the Wikipedia encyclopedia by thousands of anonymous contributors without personal ties, the new forms of technology based on a global scientific consensus, and software “open” to anyone.
In the digital realm, confidence or trust are poorly defined concepts referring to diverse interests, depending on whether we are talking about forms of technology, contents, or the persons contributing to them. In many cases, confidence is mainly a question of the rules, procedures and standards that everyone finds acceptable; and these, when upheld, lay the grounds for all parties to sincerely and safely take part in online activities. Some of these procedures rely on special techniques, like asymmetric cryptography; but others, on the practices of organizations and individuals. While “netiquette” was, at the end of the 20th century, intended to introduce civility in cyberspace, recent online developments are characterized by an increase in abuse and hate, and the spread of conspiracy theories, as the magic of instantaneous access has turned “truth” into something relative. This trend is evidence of the fragility of the means used to boost confidence and trust in digital technology. This polysemous topic evinces the very ambivalence of technology’s impact.


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Les Annales des Mines

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