N° 103 - July 2021 - Nonionizing, electromagnetic and acoustic waves: New knowledge, new issues
issue editor: Dominique DRON and Ilarion PAVEL
Introduction: Nonionizing, electromagnetic and acoustic radiation: An underexplored, sensitive but promising, field
Dominique Dron
Ilarion Pavel,
Conseil Général de l’Économie, de l’Industrie, de l’Énergie et des Technologies (CGEIET)
Nonionizing, electromagnetic and acoustic radiation: A subtle, multifaceted universe
A panorama of nonionizing, electromagnetic radiation and its major uses
René de Seze,
doctor and researcher, Institut National de l’Environnement Industriel et des Risques (INERIS)
A panorama of nonionizing acoustics waves and their major uses
Paul Avan,
Institut de l’Audition, Clermont Auvergne University
Which biological processes are affected?
Is there a cellular biology of sounds? From plants “listening” to cellular acoustics
Olivier Gallet,
Laboratoire ERRMECe, Cergy Paris University
The cumulative effects of nonionizing, electromagnetic radiation: Coexposure and a thermal factor
Amandine Pelletier
Jean-Pierre Libert,
Laboratoire PERITOX, Unité mixte INERIS, Amiens
Open questions about the effects of electromagnetic and acoustic waves on health and the environment
Olivier Merckel,
Agence Nationale de Sécurité Sanitaire de l’Alimentation, de l’Environnement et du Travail (ANSES)
Emerging uses of nonionizing, electromagnetic and acoustic radiation
From innovation to their clinical and commercial transfer: One hundred years after their discovery, ultrasounds in medicine are undergoing a second revolution
David Attali,
Alexandre Dizeux
Jean-Francois Aubry,
Physics for Medicine Paris, ESPCI Paris, INSERM, CNRS, PSL University, Paris
The life and prospects of a French medium-sized firm in the field of ultrasonic medical technology
David Caumartin,
Electromagnetic waves in medicine: The case of millimeter waves
Morgane Lebosq
Yves Le Dréan,
Rennes University, INSERM, EHESP, IRSET (Institut de Recherche en Santé, Environnement et Travail) – UMR S 1085
Sonochemisty, a relatively untapped source of innovation?
Grégory Chatel,
chemist, EDYTEM Laboratory, Savoy Mont Blanc University/CNRS
Integrating microwave technology in processes of chemical synthesis on an industrial scale: Impediments and levers
Marilena Radoiu,
Microwave Technologies Consulting
Emerging applications of terahertz radiation
Ilarion Pavel,
Nonionizing electromagnetic waves in all stages of production in agribusiness
Hervé Floch and Patrice Gamand,
ALPHA ‒ Route des Lasers & Hyperfréquences;
Clément Daignan, Nicolas Picard and Laure Sandoval,
Genodics: From the emergence of a new scientific field to its validation in the field and in academia
Pedro Ferrandiz,
A decisive factor: The public and professional context
Health and environmental regulations about nonionizing, electromagnetic and acoustic radiation
Natalie Commeau
Philippe Bodénez,
Department of Risk Prevention (DGPR), Ministry of the Environmental Transition
In the United States, a strong public-private, scientific and industrial policy in favor of research on nonionizing, electromagnetic and acoustic radiation
Yves Frenot,
Xavier Bressaud
Kévin Kok Heang,
Science and Technology Service, Embassy of France in the United States
Multifaceted research, innovative small and medium-sized companies, and exports: The keys to Germany’s success in photonics
Julien Potier,
Science and Technology Service, Embassy of France in Germany
Carbon credits at the service of development in Africa
Michel Villette,
professor of sociology, Agro-ParisTech, and researcher, Maurice Halbwachs Center (ENS/EHESS/CNRS)