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Responsabilité et Environnement - N° 100 - Octobre 2020 - La biodiversité entre urgences et complexité


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N° 100 - October 2020 - Biodiversity between emergencies and complexity

Issue editors: François Letourneux and Claire Tutenuit

Introduction: François Letourneux,

vice-president of the French committee of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

Foreword : Claire Tutenuit,

general delegate,
Entreprises pour l’Environnement (EpE)

The view of scientists


Human societies and the erosion of biodiversity: From observations to recommendations, the lessons drawn from the 2019 IPBES report on biodiversity

Jean-François Silvain,
Fondation pour la Recherche sur la Biodiversité


Biodiversity in the long run

Bruno David,
president du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle


Biodiversity: A crisis and adaptation

Pierre-Olivier Cheptou,
CEFE UMR 5175, CNRS, Montpellier University, Paul-Valery University


New relations with nature for transforming our model of society

Anne-Caroline Prévot,
research director, CNRS, and researcher at the Centre d’Écologie et des Sciences de la Conservation (CESCO), Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle (MNHN)


Research in agronomy and the biodiversity turning point

Philippe Mauguin,
Thierry Caquet,
scientific director of Environment, INRAE


Biodiversity, security of the food supply and climate change: Which path to take to transform agriculture?

Pierre-Marie Aubert,
Institut du Développement Durable et des Relations Internationales (IDDRI),
Diego Garcia Vega,
IDDRI, Sciences Po, Écoles des Affaires Internationales;
Xavier Poux,
IDDRI, Application des Sciences de l’Action (ASCA)


In biodiversity… There is diversity

Luc Abbadie,
professor of ecology, Sorbonne University


Amicale du Corps des Mines: Thoughts on the climate

Speech by Allain Bougrain-Dubourg,
president of the Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux at the meeting of 4 February 2020


Will we stop environmental degradation at the global level?

Yann Wehrling,
French ambassador to the environment


The French Office of Biodiversity at the heart of public actions for biodiversity

Pierre Dubreuil,
Office Français de la Biodiversité (OFB)


Nature works for us: it is our business to protect it

Sylvain Vanston,


Mobilize and transform the fashion industry to preserve biodiversity

Marie-Claire Daveu,
chief sustainability officer, Kering;
Géraldine Vallejo,
sustainability program director, Kering;
Katrina Ole-Moiyoi,
sustainable sourcing specialist, Kering


Trafficking in protected species and deforestation: Madagascar, biodiversity held hostage by corruption

Mialisoa Randriamampianina,
Frédéric Lesné,
Vatsy Rakotonarivo
Ketakandriana Rafitoson,
Malina Network, Transparency International Initiative Madagascar


Corporate mobilization and public policy needs for nature

Claire Tutenuit,
déléguée générale d’Entreprises pour l’Environnement (EpE),
Eva Zabey,
Executive Director, Business for Nature


How and why measure the biodiversity footprint of economic agents?

Marc Abadie,
CEO, CDC-Biodiversité,
Antoine Cadi,
director of research and innovation, CDC Biodiversité


How to integrate biodiversity in economic and business decisions

Simon Buckle,
Head of the Climate, Biodiversity and Water Division in the OECD Environment Directorate,
Katia Karousakis,
Programme Lead of the Biodiversity, Land Use and Ecosystems (BLUE) programme at the OECD,
Edward Perry,
Policy Analyst in the Biodiversity, Land Use and Ecosystems (BLUE) programme at the OECD,
Geraldine Ang,
Senior Policy Analyst on Green Finance and Investment at the OECD


What to do for biodiversity?

Bernard Chevassus-au-Louis,
Humanité et Biodiversité



The physical limits of renewables

Ilarion Pavel,
engineer from the Corps des Mines, Conseil Général de l’Économie (CGE)











Les Annales des Mines

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