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August 2016 - The European digital union

Issue editor: Jean-Pierre Dardayrol

engineer from École des Mines, Conseil général de l’Économie

To read summaries, click on the article titles

Foreword: Andrus Ansip,

vice-president of the European Commission in charge of a Single Digital Market


Günther Hermann  Oettinger,

European Commissioner on the Digital Economy and Society

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Introduction: Jean-Pierre Dardayrol,

engineer from École des Mines, Conseil général de l’Économie

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Visions of a digital Europe


The Digital Single Market: The viewpoint of a Polish data-mining firm that collects and analyzes personal data from consumers in central Europe

Axia Digital

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Towards a geopolitics of data

Thierry Berthier,
associate professor in mathematics, researcher, Chair of Cyberdefense and Cybersecurity, Saint-Cyr-Thales-Sogeti
Olivier Kempf,
Ph.D. in political science and associate researcher at the Institut de Relations Internationales et Stratégiques (IRIS)

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The European Internet: Common interests and EU law

Pierre Bonis,
Association Française pour le Nommage Internet en Coopération (AFNIC)

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The European Digital Union: The potential impact of the EU’s ELDAS Regulation on Euro-African transactions

Alain Ducass,
international expert for the digital transformation of Africa

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Which policies?


The digital economy, a challenge for competition-based policies

Edmond Baranes,
University of Montpellier
Andrea Cosnita-Langlais,
University of Paris Ouest Nanterre

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The “double jeopardy” of vulnerable populations faced with pervasive digital technology

Élodie Alberola,
Patricia Croutte
Sandra Hoibian,
Centre de Recherche pour l’Étude et l’Observation des Conditions de Vie (CREDOC)

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The Digital Single Market and regulation of personal data

Catherine Barreau,
professor of corporate law at the School of Law and Political Science, University of Rennes I

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How to regulate digital platforms in Europe?

Winston Maxwell,
associate attorney at Hogan Lovells
Thierry Pénard,
professor of economics at the University of Rennes I

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How to regulate platforms?

Sébastien Soriano,
chairman of the Autorité de Régulation des Communications Électroniques et des Postes (ARCEP)

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The Europe of digital security: Very legalistic, hardly technological and insufficiently economic

Nicolas Arpagian,
scientific director of Digital Security at the Institut National des Hautes Études de la Sécurité et de la Justice (INHESJ)

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Higher education’s contribution to the building of Europe

Yves Poilane,
director Télécom ParisTech

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The EU’s Digital Single Market and French health policy

Aymeric Buthion,
Direction générale des Entreprises (DGE), Ministry of the Economy, Industry and Digital Technology

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The Icelandic financial crisis and self-fulfilling prophecies: The chronicles of a predicted bankruptcy (2006-2008)

François Valérian,
Conseil général de l’Économie, associate professor of finance at the Conservatoire national des Arts et Métiers (CNAM), member of the Laboratoire d’excellence en régulation Finance (Labex ReFi)

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