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November 2015 - The port industry in France

Issue editor: Serge CATOIRE,

Conseil général de l’Economie

To read summaries, click on the article titles

Foreword: Alain VIDALIES,

state secretary in charge of Transportation, the Sea and Fishing in the Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy

Introduction: Serge CATOIRE,

Conseil général de l’Economie

1 – Geography, infrastructures and the environment


What place for French ports in new international maritime connections?

Raymond Vidil,
president of Armateurs de France


The interministerial delegation for the development of the Seine river valley

François Philizot,
prefect, interministerial delegate to the Development of the Seine River Valley


What prospects for Marseille, the Mediterranean’s top-ranking port in the 20th century?

chairman of the board of the Greater Marseille Port Authority


African ports: Modernization on the march

Olivier de Noray,
director of Ports and Terminals, Bolloré Africa Logistics


Singapore, a maritime barycenter in southeastern Asia

Vanessa Bonnet,
Direction Générale du Trésor, Ministry of Finance and Public Accounts and Ministry of the Economy, Industry and Digital Technology

2 - Technology


Port industries

Mathilde Gougeon,
head of the task force on a national strategy for ports, Bureau de l’Analyse Économique des Transports Fluviaux, Maritimes et des Ports, Direction Générale des Infrastructures, des Transports et de la Mer, Ministry of the Economy, Industry and Digital Technology;
Marc Sandrin,
deputy director of Ports and River Transportation, Direction Générale des Infrastructures, des Transports et de la Mer, Ministry of the Economy, Industry and Digital Technology


Shipping cereals toward the Rouen port: The results of a collective, efficient organization of human means

Gilles Kindelberger,
CEO of Sénalia


Railroads and ports: A coherent system for handling freight

Sylvie Charles,
CEO of Rail Transportation and Multimodal Freight at SNCF Logistics


Liquefied natural gas, a maritime fuel: Initiatives for the energy transition now under way

Julien Burdeau,
director de Innovation at Gaztransport & Technigaz (GTT)


At the core of new chains of businesses for recycling wastes: Ports

Juliette Cerceau,
associate researcher, UMR PACTE
Guillaume Junqua,
assistant professor, École des Mines d’Alès
Miguel Lopez-Ferber,
professor, École des Mines d’Alès
Nicolas Mat,
doctoral student, École des Mines d’Alès

3 – The human organization


From the 2008 port reform to HAROPA: A fresh start for French ports

Hervé Martel,
chairman of the board of the Greater Havre Port Authority and president of Union des Ports de France


The influence of plans of protection against technological risks on port zones: The example of Montoir-de-Bretagne and of Elengy’s methane terminal

Alain Goy,
head of Technical Services, ELENGY, a subsidiary of ENGIE


Dunkerque : Reconverting port zones

Christophe Husser,
head of the Pole on Sustainable Development at the Direction de l’Aménagement et de l’Environnement du Grand Port Maritime de Dunkerque
Stéphane Raison,
chairman of the board of the Greater Dunkerque Port Authority


Imports and exports: Controlling quality

Didier Michaud-Daniel,
general manager of Bureau Veritas


Adapting customs clearance procedures to the globalization of trade

Jean-Michel Thillier,
assistant to the Directriion Générale des Douanes et Droits Indirects




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