N° 119 - March 2015 - Describing the markets: A scientific imperative
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Editorial: Pascal LEFEBVRE
Introduction: Hervé DUMEZ
i3-CRG École polytechnique-CNRS
The description of the first financial market: Looking back on Confusion of confusions by Joseph de la Vega
i3-CRG École polytechnique-CNRS
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From London to Porto: A description of the international wine market in the 18th century
Paul Duguid,
professor, School of Information, Berkeley
A confrontation between two ways of describing a market - In finance and in sociology: The case of exchange traded funds
Laurent Deville,
EDHEC Business School;
Mohamed Oubenal,
postdoctoral fellow at the Institut des Sciences de la Communication (CNRS-ISCC)
The place of description in the discourse of business leaders
Benoît Demil,
University of Lille (LEM, CNRS UMR 8179);
Xavier Lecocq,
University of Lille (LEM CNRS UMR 8179) - IÉSEG School of Management
Information technology and the variety of forms of co-creation: Toward a new paradigm for American Defenseaméricaine
Valérie Mérindol,
Paris School of Business
Placing the “power to act” at the center of interventions: Another prevention of psychosocial risks?
Damien Collard,
associate professor, University of Franche-Comté, researcher at the Centre de Recherche en Gestion des Organisations (CREGO, EA 7317), University of Burgundy;
Audrey Drouard,
operations manager, Association APAMAD-La Croisée des Services
The determinants of European automakers’ international strategies: Exports or direct foreign investments
Pierre Buigues,
professor of Strategy, Toulouse Business School;
Denis Lacoste,
professor of Strategy, Toulouse Business School;
Maurice Saias,
professor of Strategy, IAE d’Aix-Graduate School of Management
Lessons in the anatomy of a conflict in an engineering school
Michel ALIAS
Hervé Dumez:
New approaches to performativity: On Fabian Muniesa’s The provoked economy, economic reality and the performative turn (London/New York: Routledge, 2014).