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Réalités Industrielles - Février 2020 - L’assurance aujourd’hui



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Février 2020 - L’assurance aujourd’hui

Challenges and opportunities for the insurance sector in Europe

Chairman, European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority


The insurance sector is facing many challenges while the rapidly changing business environment also give rise to a number of opportunities. As insurers adapt to the new landscape, insurance regulators and supervisors must also evolve.
As insurers, regulators and supervisors navigate the digital revolution, the challenges of cyber risk and corresponding opportunities of cyber insurance, the risks associated with a prolonged low yield environment and the opportunities of taking a stewardship approach in relation to sustainable finance, it is essential that policyholders’ interests remain a priority.
Since its inception, the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) has worked with supervisors across Europe to foster a common approach to supervision to ensure that consumers remain protected  no matter where they live or from where they bought their policy.
As a European supervisor, EIOPA will continue to work with consumers, industry and supervisors to make sure that Europe is resilient in the face of challenges and open to the opportunities that the next decade will bring.

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February 2020 - The insurance industry today

Challenges and opportunities for the insurance sector in Europe


Chairman, European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority


The insurance sector is facing many challenges while the rapidly changing business environment also give rise to a number of opportunities. As insurers adapt to the new landscape, insurance regulators and supervisors must also evolve.
As insurers, regulators and supervisors navigate the digital revolution, the challenges of cyber risk and corresponding opportunities of cyber insurance, the risks associated with a prolonged low yield environment and the opportunities of taking a stewardship approach in relation to sustainable finance, it is essential that policyholders’ interests remain a priority.
Since its inception, the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) has worked with supervisors across Europe to foster a common approach to supervision to ensure that consumers remain protected  no matter where they live or from where they bought their policy.
As a European supervisor, EIOPA will continue to work with consumers, industry and supervisors to make sure that Europe is resilient in the face of challenges and open to the opportunities that the next decade will bring.


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