La série Réalités Industrielles publie trimestriellement des dossiers thématiques sur des sujets importants pour le développement industriel et économique. Piloté par un spécialiste du secteur sous l’égide du Comité de rédaction de la série, chaque dossier présente une large gamme de points de vue complémentaires, en faisant appel à des auteurs issus à la fois de l’enseignement et de la recherche, de l’entreprise, de l’administration ainsi que du monde politique et associatif. Voir la gouvernance de la série




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Réalités Industrielles - Août 2019 - Quel avenir pour l’économie africaine ?


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Août 2019 - Quel avenir pour l’économie africaine ?

Feeding Africa through increased intra-African food trade

By Alan DOSS
President, Kofi Annan Foundation


One of the most pressing challenges in Africa is how to eradicate hunger and extreme poverty and ensure prosperity for all people. This article argues that intra-African food trade can be an important driver in strengthening Africa’s capacity to ensure food security, as well as for its economic growth and shared prosperity. While the creation of the African Continental Free Trade Area is a critical step forward, the roll out of the implementation will be just as important. This article is looking at some of the key challenges and opportunities for intra-African food market integration. It specifically argues that the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) can and should play a particularly important role in Africa’s effort to build a strong intra-Africa food market. They are the institutions that can develop and implement programmes aimed at increasing agricultural production and productivity, help integrate smallholders in regional value chains, spearhead research on major food crops and help develop regional food industries.

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August 2019 - What future for the African economy?

Feeding Africa through increased intra-African food trade


Alan Doss,
President, Kofi Annan Foundation


One of the most pressing challenges in Africa is how to eradicate hunger and extreme poverty and ensure prosperity for all people. This article argues that intra-African food trade can be an important driver in strengthening Africa’s capacity to ensure food security, as well as for its economic growth and shared prosperity. While the creation of the African Continental Free Trade Area is a critical step forward, the roll out of the implementation will be just as important. This article is looking at some of the key challenges and opportunities for intra-African food market integration. It specifically argues that the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) can and should play a particularly important role in Africa’s effort to build a strong intra-Africa food market. They are the institutions that can develop and implement programmes aimed at increasing agricultural production and productivity, help integrate smallholders in regional value chains, spearhead research on major food crops and help develop regional food industries.


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