La série Réalités Industrielles publie trimestriellement des dossiers thématiques sur des sujets importants pour le développement industriel et économique. Piloté par un spécialiste du secteur sous l’égide du Comité de rédaction de la série, chaque dossier présente une large gamme de points de vue complémentaires, en faisant appel à des auteurs issus à la fois de l’enseignement et de la recherche, de l’entreprise, de l’administration ainsi que du monde politique et associatif. Voir la gouvernance de la série




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Mai 2018 - Les mobilités du futur : vecteurs techniques, modèles économiques et politiques publiques

The way out of institutional complexity: Transport for London (TfL)

Director of City Planning, Transport for London


Cities are the economic powerhouses of nations, cultural and artistic hubs that draw in greater and greater proportions of the world population to exchange ideas and histories and create new lives, jobs, homes and growth. Yet, around the world, cities are grappling with the same pro­blems – pollution, poor air quality, congestion, poor health, a lack of housing and patchy access to jobs and opportunities.
Transport is a key part of the solution to many of these issues. Affordable, reliable and safe trans­port services can unlock the power of transport to improve people’s lives.
This is perhaps why there are many cities around the world where the way that people travel has become synonymous with the city itself. The Paris Metro, or New York’s subway and iconic yellow taxis spring to mind.
But no other city is as recognised by its transport system as is London. Our red double deck buses, black taxi cabs and London Underground trains are known the world over, and our dis­tinctive ‘roundel’ logo – which features on all of our services – is one of the world’s most recognised brands.

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May 2018 - Mobility of the future: Technical vectors, business models and public policies

The way out of institutional complexity: Transport for London (TfL)


Alex Williams,
Director of City Planning, Transport for London


Cities are the economic powerhouses of nations, cultural and artistic hubs that draw in greater and greater proportions of the world population to exchange ideas and histories and create new lives, jobs, homes and growth.  Yet, around the world, cities are grappling with the same problems – pollution, poor air quality, congestion, poor health, a lack of housing and patchy access to jobs and opportunities.
Transport is a key part of the solution to many of these issues. Affordable, reliable and safe transport services can unlock the power of transport to improve people’s lives.
This is perhaps why there are many cities around the world where the way that people travel has become synonymous with the city itself. The Paris Metro, or New York’s subway and iconic yellow taxis spring to mind.
But no other city is as recognised by its transport system as is London. Our red double deck buses, black taxi cabs and London Underground trains are known the world over, and our distinctive ‘roundel’ logo – which features on all of our services – is one of the world’s most recognised brands.


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Les Annales des Mines

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