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Février 2017 - La biologie industrielle : enjeux technologiques, économiques et sociétaux

The misuse and malicious uses  of the new biotechnologies

By BrigGen (ret’d) Ioannis (John) GALATAS
MD, MA, MC (Army), Manager, CBRN Knowledge Center @ International CBRNE Institute (BE)


Being one of the sources of independent CBRNE (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive) expertise, the International CBRNE Institute Belgium (ICI) aims at promoting and developing best practices, standards and innovations in the CBRNE field. The ICI aims to enhance CBRNE risk mitigation at regional, national and international levels. It engages in a wide range of CBRNE-related activities including developing and supporting academic and policy-related research, organizing conferences, seminars and workshops as well as professional development programs for responders. In these activities, the ICI collaborates with other partners such as institutional, academic and corporate bodies and aims to be at the forefront of CBRNE-related activities, from policy to practical application. The Knowledge Centre (KC) is a body within the ICI that aims to provide leadership, best practices, research, support and/or training in the CBRNE area. The pallet of competencies includes technology, business concept, skill sharing or a broad area of study. The KC consists of two parts, namely the CBRN KC and the Explosives KC; both are coordinated by a Steering Committee, responsible for external relations and visibility, while the members of the KCs are pooled in a “Community of Experts” organized in Task Forces (TF). Each KC is represented by a Chairman; Professor Yvan Baudoin for the EKC and Brigadier General (ret’d) John Galatas for the CBRNKC. John is the author of the article “The misuse and malicious uses of the new biotechnologies”; he proposes here a state of the art about the new biotechnologies and their possible applications.


(Abstract by Yves DUBUCQ, Managing Director ICI)


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February 2017 - Industrial biology: the technological, economic and societal issues of biotechnology

The misuse and malicious uses of the new biotechnologies

BrigGen (ret’d) Ioannis (John) Galatas,
MD, MA, MC (Army), Manager, CBRN Knowledge Center @ International CBRNE Institute (BE)


Being one of the sources of independent CBRNE (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive) expertise, the International CBRNE Institute Belgium (ICI) aims at promoting and developing best practices, standards and innovations in the CBRNE field.
The ICI aims to enhance CBRNE risk mitigation at regional, national and international levels. It engages in a wide range of CBRNE-related activities including developing and supporting academic and policy-related research, organizing conferences, seminars and workshops as well as professional development programs for responders. In these activities, the ICI collaborates with other partners such as institutional, academic and corporate bodies and aims to be at the forefront of CBRNE-related activities, from policy to practical application.
The Knowledge Centre (KC) is a body within the ICI that aims to provide leadership, best practices, research, support and/or training in the CBRNE area. The pallet of competencies includes technology, business concept, skill sharing or a broad area of study.
The KC consists of two parts, namely the CBRN KC and the Explosives KC; both are coordinated by a Steering Committee, responsible for external relations and visibility, while the members of the KCs are pooled in a “Community of Experts” organized in Task Forces (TF). Each KC is represented by a Chairman; Professor Yvan Baudoin for the EKC and Brigadier General (ret’d) John Galatas for the CBRNKC.


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Febrero 2017 - La biología industrial, desafíos tecnológicos, económicos y sociales

The misuse and malicious uses of the new biotechnologies (Usos indebidos y maliciosos de las nuevas biotecnologías)

Ioannis Galatas,
General de brigada (retirado) Médico, Jefe del cuerpo médico en el ejército, CBRNE Knowledge Center, Instituto Internacional CBRNE (Bélgica)


Being one of the sources of independent CBRNE (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive) expertise, the International CBRNE Institute Belgium (ICI) aims at promoting and developing best practices, standards and innovations in the CBRNE field.
The ICI aims to enhance CBRNE risk mitigation at regional, national and international levels. It engages in a wide range of CBRNE-related activities including developing and supporting academic and policy-related research, organizing conferences, seminars and workshops as well as professional development programs for responders. In these activities, the ICI collaborates with other partners such as institutional, academic and corporate bodies and aims to be at the forefront of CBRNE-related activities, from policy to practical application.
The Knowledge Centre (KC) is a body within the ICI that aims to provide leadership, best practices, research, support and/or training in the CBRNE area. The pallet of competencies includes technology, business concept, skill sharing or a broad area of study.
The KC consists of two parts, namely the CBRN KC and the Explosives KC; both are coordinated by a Steering Committee, responsible for external relations and visibility, while the members of the KCs are pooled in a “Community of Experts” organized in Task Forces (TF). Each KC is represented by a Chairman; Professor Yvan Baudoin for the EKC and Brigadier General (ret’d) John Galatas for the CBRNKC.


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