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Responsatilité & Environnement - N° 97 - Janvier 2020 - Le nucléaire civil, enjeux et débats

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N° 97 - Janvier 2020 - Le nucléaire civil, enjeux et débats

The Nuclear Mission in an Integrated, Carbon-Free Energy Future

Senior program manager for Strategic Programs and Long-Term Operations at the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Technical executive in the Advanced Nuclear Technology program at the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Senior program manager for the Electric Power Research Institute’s (EPRI), new Nuclear Plant Modernization initiative


As the global community strives to curb carbon emissions from the energy sector, focus has sharpened on the role nuclear energy can play in the effort throughout the 21st century. While the light water reactor fleet provides the nuclear generation backbone for meeting future capacity needs and emission goals, more than half of the world’s nuclear power plants have surpassed 30 years in service.
The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), in collaboration with research entities around the world, helps turn the world’s carbon neutrality challenges into opportunities. EPRI’s work delivers research to answer key questions about modernization efforts that can provide safe and cost-effective life extensions for long-term operation, increase operational flexibility to support stable power grid dynamics, reduce nuclear power plant operating costs, and the examine the latest reactor technologies for more viable new nuclear power plant construction.


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N° 97 - January 2020 -Civilian nuclear power: Issues and debates

The Nuclear Mission in an Integrated, Carbon-Free Energy Future


Sherry Bernhoft,
Senior program manager for Strategic Programs and Long-Term Operations at the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI),
Andrew Sowder,
Technical executive in the Advanced Nuclear Technology program at the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI),
Robert Austin,
Senior program manager for the Electric Power Research Institute’s (EPRI), new Nuclear Plant Modernization initiative


As the global community strives to curb carbon emissions from the energy sector, focus has sharpened on the role nuclear energy can play in the effort throughout the 21st century. While the light water reactor fleet provides the nuclear generation backbone for meeting future capacity needs and emission goals, more than half of the world’s nuclear power plants have surpassed 30 years in service.
The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), in collaboration with research entities around the world, helps turn the world’s carbon neutrality challenges into opportunities. EPRI’s work delivers research to answer key questions about modernization efforts that can provide safe and cost-effective life extensions for long-term operation, increase operational flexibility to support stable power grid dynamics, reduce nuclear power plant operating costs, and the examine the latest reactor technologies for more viable new nuclear power plant construction.


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