
2022 - N° 7
Managing Religion Situations in the Workplace:
Roles of a Think Tank for Sharing and Implementing Management tools
Géraldine Galindo
ESCP Business School
Ewan Oiry
Original article in French published
in Gérer & comprendre,
March 2021, n° 143, pp. 37-48.
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Transition “Niches” as Spaces
for Re-envisioning the Energy System:
The Case of Self-Consumption
Élodie Gigout, Julie C. Mayer
and Hervé Dumez
i3-CRG, École polytechnique, CNRS, IP Paris
Original article in French published in Gérer & comprendre,
September 2021, n° 145, pp. 3-12
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Exploring the Practice of Coaching
Magali Ayache
Thema, CY Cergy-Paris Université
and Hervé Dumez
CRG-i3, École Polytechnique, CNRS, IP Paris
Original article in French published in Gérer & comprendre,
September 2021, n° 145, pp. 46-54.
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Artificial intelligence: between science and the market
Some socio-historical elements to better understand a strange scientific experiment (1956-1990)
Jean-Sébastien Vayre
Senior lecturer at the University of Côte d’Azur
Original article in French published in Gérer & comprendre,
September 2021, n° 145, pp. 55-69.
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From Organisational Silence to Deontic Anger: When Whistleblowers Speak Up
Philippe Jacquinot
associate professor, Paris-Saclay University
and Arnaud Pellissier-Tanon
associate professor, University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne2
Original article in French published in Gérer & comprendre,
December 2021, n° 146, pp. 27-38.
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