
2021 - N° 6
Managing the unmanageable: A case study of the management of an infectious animal disease in Corsica
François CHARRIER,
INRAE, UR LRDE, Corte, France
INRAE, UMR SADAPT, Paris, France
INRAE, UMR LISIS, Marne la Vallée, France
Original article in French published in Gérer & comprendre,
March 2020, N° 139, pp. 33-45.
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‘Managizing’ the armed forces
Sophie Lefeez,
former French army officer, associate researcher at IRIS (Institut des Relations Internationales
et Stratégiques) & CERREV (Centre de Recherche Risques et Vulnérabilités, Caen University)
Original article in French published in Gérer & comprendre,
June 2020, N° 140, pp. 19-29.
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Managing a metaproblem: Space debris
Hervé Dumez & Camille Toussaint,
Institut Interdisciplinaire de l’Innovation, i3 (UMR 9217)
Centre de Recherche en Gestion (CRG), École Polytechnique
Original article in French published in Gérer & comprendre,
September 2020, N° 141, pp. 3-12.
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Designing for all but with whom? Three cases of codesign with disabled persons
Estelle Peyrard & Cécile Chamaret,
Institut Interdisciplinaire de l’Innovation – i3 (UMR 9217), Centre de Recherche en Gestion (CRG) – École Polytechnique
Original article in French published in Gérer & comprendre,
September 2020, N° 141, pp. 57-70.
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Religion at the workplace: Interactions between managers and religiously observant employees
Lionel Honoré,
IAE de Brest, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Observatoire du Fait Religieux en Entreprise, Laboratoire d’Économie et de Gestion de l’Ouest, Institut Montaigne
Original article in French published in Gérer & comprendre,
December 2020, N° 142, pp. 39-49.
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