La série Enjeux numériques paraît en mars, juin, septembre et décembre en version papier, et la traduction anglaise intégrale des articles est téléchargeable comme la version française sur notre site Elle traite des enjeux du numérique pour un public éclairé, mais non nécessairement expert, en croisant les regards technologiques, économiques et sociétaux comme le font les Annales des Mines dans toutes leurs publications.

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Enjeux numériques - N° 20 - Décembre 2022 - Au-delà des enjeux, quels avenirs ?


Sommaire en français

Digital issues: abstracts
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N° 20 -December 2022 - Beyond the issues, what are the futures?


Interview with Maarten BOTTERMAN, former Board Chair of ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers)


By Alexia KAPPELMANN & the Board of Enjeux numériques
Presentation of Maarten BOTTERMAN


Starting out as head of the IT department of the North Sea Directorate for the Dutch government with the mission of optimizing office applications and data sharing, Maarten Botterman went on to implement and promote telework within the Dutch government, making him one of the pioneers for telework introduction at a time where emails were not in regular use (1990-1995). He then joined the European Commission as a scientific officer for the European Commission’s communications and IT research program from 1995 to the end of 1999, and worked on introducing telework on a European level. After that, he was invited by the RAND Corporation, a global policy think tank, to set up an information society policy program in Europe. He became independent in 2006, working since then as a strategic adviser on Internet governance and related issues. He was Chair of PIR (Public Interest Registry) for 8 years and served as Chair of the ICANN Board of Directors from 2019 to 2022. In September 2022, he was reelected for a third and final term until 2025 as a member of the ICANN Board of Directors.
Maarten Botterman has more than 25 years of experience in guiding governments and major organizations on the economic and societal impacts of current and future Internet innovations and technologies. Ensuring that society is benefitting from IT has been his life’s mission. He is passionate about finding ways toward a sustainable future, with the belief that having a single, globally interoperable Internet is a critical component.


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