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Enjeux Numériques - N° 7 - septembre 2019 - Mobilité, logistique et numérique : entre efficacité et libertés

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N° 7 - Septembre 2019 -  Mobilité, logistique et numérique : entre efficacité et libertés

Navigating the fudge and breakthroughs of artificial intelligence in China

Rapport supervisé par Pierre-Étienne GIRARDOT et rédigé par les Ingénieurs-élèves du Corps des Mines (promotion 2018).


China managed to become a digital superpower able to compete with US companies, contrary to Europe. Protected and pushed by Chinese government, technology giants developed cutting-edge technologies thanks to China leading position in hardware (in the 90s, China became the manufacturing hub for electronics on the planet) and thanks to the impressive ability of Chinese people to adopt new digital products (as for digital payment). A pragmatic mindset about technology, for both population and government, enables faster adoption, by focusing on developing applications first, and dealing with issues only when they arise. Thus, Chinese big players have managed to reach a level of technology close or sometimes better than their American counterparts, especially regarding artificial intelligence (AI). AI actually became a political priority whose applications, from healthcare to smart cities, security or autonomous driving will progressively reshape Chinese citizens’ way of life. From the way those companies can manage and have access to data, to the way they deal with trust issues for their algorithms (ethics, transparency, bias and interpretability), what can we learn from this impressive AI development in China?

NB: This paper was written by “Corps des mines” 2018-2019 students, after a learning expedition in Shenzhen, Shanghai and Hangzhou. From visiting tech giants (Alibaba, Tencent, Huawei, PingAn) to getting insights from French companies working on those topics in China (Valeo, Airbus), from going to universities (Shanghai Jiaotong, Zhejiang University) to talking with “smaller” firms (Deep Blue, Sense Time, incubators) or venture capital companies (Cathay innovation), they studied the dynamism and vitality of the prosperous Chinese technology environment.


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N° 7 - September 2019 - Mobility, logistics and digital technology: Between efficiency and freedom


Navigating the fudge and breakthroughs of artificial intelligence in China


Pierre-Étienne GIRARDOT &“Corps des mines” 2018-2019 students


China managed to become a digital superpower able to compete with US companies, contrary to Europe. Protected and pushed by Chinese government, technology giants developed cutting-edge technologies thanks to China leading position in hardware (in the 90s, China became the manufacturing hub for electronics on the planet) and thanks to the impressive ability of Chinese people to adopt new digital products (as for digital payment). A pragmatic mindset about technology, for both population and government, enables faster adoption, by focusing on developing applications first, and dealing with issues only when they arise. Thus, Chinese big players have managed to reach a level of technology close or sometimes better than their American counterparts, especially regarding artificial intelligence (AI). AI actually became a political priority whose applications, from healthcare to smart cities, security or autonomous driving will progressively reshape Chinese citizens’ way of life. From the way those companies can manage and have access to data, to the way they deal with trust issues for their algorithms (ethics, transparency, bias and interpretability), what can we learn from this impressive AI development in China?

NB: This paper was written by “Corps des mines” 2018-2019 students, after a learning expedition in Shenzhen, Shanghai and Hangzhou. From visiting tech giants (Alibaba, Tencent, Huawei, PingAn) to getting insights from French companies working on those topics in China (Valeo, Airbus), from going to universities (Shanghai Jiaotong, Zhejiang University) to talking with “smaller” firms (Deep Blue, Sense Time, incubators) or venture capital companies (Cathay innovation), they studied the dynamism and vitality of the prosperous Chinese technology environment.


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