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Responsabilité et Environnement - N° 99 - Juillet 2020 - Matière premières et nouvelles dépendances

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N° 99 - July 2020 - Raw materials and
new forms of dependency

Issue editor: Isabelle WALLARD

Introduction: Isabelle WALLARD,

engineer from the Corps des Mines, Conseil Général de l’Économie

Increased pressure on raw materials because of the energy and digital transitions in developed countries and economic development elsewhere


From value chains to pricing mechanisms: A comprehensive analysis of base metal markets

Patrice Christmann,
consultant and researcher, Société Krysmine,
Yves Jégourel,
associate professor at Bordeaux University, assistant director of Cyclope and senior fellow at the Policy Center for the New South


Various energy scenarios and the future availability of raw materials

Olivier Vidal,
Institute of Earth Sciences (ISTerre), Grenoble-Alpes University, CNRS


The importance of rare earths for information and communications technology: The case of Orange

Samuli Vaija,
analyst of product life cycles and the circular economy, Orange,
Éric Philipot,
environmental advisor

Recycling will not satisfy needs


Grains of wheat on a chessboard, an illustration of the limits on the growing consumption of metals and on recycling as a source of metals

Jean-François Labbé,
former geologist-economist at BRGM


Recycling circuit boards in France

Christian Thomas,
founder and scientific director, TND, and president of the business cluster TEAM2

Recycling will not satisfy needs


CSF Mines et Métallurgie and the supply of metals and strategic materials

Christel Bories,
president of CSF Mines et Métallurgie, CEO of Eramet Group


Metals critical to the French economy

Gaétan Lefebvre,
Department of Georesources, BRGM


French industry’s titanium supply: The current situation and prospects

Pierre-François Louvigné,


Ambition 2025: The Orange Group’s strategy for developing a digital technology that is less energy-intensive and more economical in critical materials

Philippe Tuzzolino,
director of Environment, Orange Group


Raw materials, their criticality and the automobile industry’s strategic axes

Gildas Bureau,
head of the work group PFA Filière Automobile et Mobilité

The war for rare metals, the hidden face of the energy and digital transitions


The reactions of nation-states and of the European Commission

The war for rare metals, the hidden face of the energy and digital transitions

Interview with Guillaume Pitron, journalist and film director


The US government’s strategy for seeing to the security of the supply of critical minerals for industry

Alexis Sahaguian,
Direction Générale du Trésor,
Matthieu Fernandez
David Krembel,
embassy of France in the United States


A sustainable consumption of natural resources: A planetary issue

Doris Nicklaus,
engineer from the Corps des Ponts, des Eaux et des Forêts,
Dominique Viel,
honorary general controller


France’s policy of mineral (nonenergy) raw materials

Rémi Galin
Jean-François Gaillaud,
Direction of Water and Biodiversity, DGALN/MTES


The European raw materials strategy

Gwenole Cozigou,
director, Direction Industrie Durable et Mobilité



A carbon-free production of hydrogen: The third method

Laurent Fulcheri,
research director, Université PSL, MINES ParisTech, PERSEE (Centre Procédés, Énergies Renouvelables et Systèmes Énergétiques)







Les Annales des Mines

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